Yeah, but don't worry TC, the things you play on under the TV is not a console, they died out around the PS2 era, tell me what about these consoles that are "dedicated gaming machines" What we have now are multimedia entertainment stations, nothing dedicated about them, the sole focus of them is not games, and I am not always sure the main focus is games either.
Media players, streaming boxes and what not seems to be at least as big of a draw of them.
But it is not that bad is it? There certainly are some issues with the way these things are going. There have never been a mid gen refreshes which effectively makes the prior obsolete to such a degree. This is not an add on like the 32x, it is a faulty comparison, a PS2 to PS2 slim is the correct one, but this refresh effectively cripples the PS4 install base, if the NEO install base grows large enough, since the NEOs and Scorpios specs WILL be the target, and the older consoles left to die, no matter what sony and MS say, we have seen it before. Countless times, this is closer to a backwards console, with the makers that they will still support the old console.
Paying for online, is a bit more muddled prospect, if you simply paid for online, then it would be something you should boycott the corp for, but there is the games you get as long as you have the subscription which I ironically see as a net positive, especially because console gamers historically only buy a few games, and the rest die off, this way more games will get played and more word of mouth will drive more sales. The PS4 just offers horrible games so far, for some reason.
What worries me, is that we have such a big console refresh hardware wise, as well as the lack of exclusives. For most intends and purposes the PS4 and X1 are simply walled off PC's with an interface uptimized for tv's, and a fairly staggering premium cost per game basis.
But in all honesty time and time again we see the most popular genres be those which used to be PC focused (and largely still are) Online MP was absolutely loathed by console players through the 90' start 2000. FPS games were looked down upon, and WRPGs were laughed at in favor of JRPGs, so the very demographic has changed on consoles, and a lot of tweaks have gotten into catering to them.
How many typical console genres do we see? platformers, jrpgs, beat'em ups (ok this on was arcade, but moved over to console), local co up much?
The consoles of old died, and got replaced by these, because it was what the public at large wanted. They are not worth less for that reason.
On a nother note MS and Sony REALLY fucking dropped the ball this gen.
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