I had one! For most of my life! :P I Just haven't had one for a while now since my last one which I donated (that's not such a bad thing is it?).
I've been scouting Ebay for deals, but like I said I'd like to get a Genesis, AND a Sega CD combo :P
I donated mine as well to a poor family a few years back. I don't regret it one bit but damn do I miss that thing; had some of my favorite games of all time. Now I've been on a look out for a Genesis Model 2/Sega CD Model 2 combo to every flea market I go.
There's a flea market near me that for some reason never actually has wires for their consoles. I guess they must just take all the wires, and put them with all the other wires they get which is lame because whenever they have a Genesis it's always $6 or so dollars which if it worked I'd buy. Problem! I can't test out the damn thing at the store! :P
So yah, just been checking ebay mostly. I still go to all the thrift stores around town at least once a week it seems. Just gotta make sure I don't miss out if by some miracle a complete system shows up at one.
Well I finally picked up a Genesis for $30 with all hook-ups, two six button controllers, and three games at the Galt Flea Market in northern Cali. Not a bad deal.
Its so nice to finally have one after being separated from mine all of these years. Can't wait to fire up some Sonic and Shining Force. I can feel a Genesis buying binge coming over the horizon.
Now if only I could have found a Sega CD as well. Never owned one of those but its seems to have a few good gems worth playing.
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