so, i live in a small town, and there's one game shop, //dotgames (yes, named after //.hack) which is an awesome shop with tons of used games and imports.
well they have "pay to play" where you pay $4 and can play any system in the store, where they have ps3s, 360s, and wiis hooked to big screen tvs.
well anyways, I was in there hanging out, talking about Shin Megami Tensei (name dropping!) and there was a family in there. the father was probably 25, and was dressed as close to fred durst as possible. the mother was... well... yeah. the kids were maybe 3 and 5, and the 5 year old was playing FEAR (//dotgames normally wouldnt let him, but the dad said it was ok...) and the 3 year old was playing resistance fall of man.
here's what got me. the kids were crying that they didnt want to play games anymore, and the dad was yelling at them to shut up and play the games. the mother was playing a wii, and i watched her for about 5 minutes. she was playing WiiPlay. you know how at the beginning it says "Press A and B to begin", well, she pressed a... then pressed b. one after the other. the father couldnt figure out what she was doing wrong, so she had to ask us for help. press em at the same time. she was indignant.
ok so she played the "duckhunt" game, whatever its called, where you have to shoot the targets but NOT hit the pictures of you. she thought she was supposed to avoid the targets, and kept shooting the Mii pictures. the big "-3" didnt tip her off. so she failed that game, and got mad. then she played the Pose Mii game. she couldnt seem to understand that you had to rotate the mii and ensure it was in the right pose.
the Wii is probably the simplest of all gaming systems, and every game on wiisports and wiiplay is so increedibly self explanatory that if you dont understand it, you need to shoot yourself in the face with a flare gun.
worst part is, theyve already bred, so its too late to prevent further degradation of our gene pool.
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