I recently played through this whole entire game for the second time, I remember beating it oh so many years ago as a kid back before the internet came along, so back then I didn't have a thing called gamefaqs to help me out like I do now, replaying it again now I ask myself "How the hell did I even manage to do this back then?" Let alone get past Death Mountain for that matter.
Anyways, point being of this thread is I'd like to hear some of your thoughts and opinions of this game, I think it's sorta interesting to hear people's thoughts about this game considering it differed oh so much from the previous Zelda.
I'll start off by stating my thoughts:
I found myself liking the game while playing it, but I just couldn't bring myself to loving it, mainly because after a few seconds of liking it something would happen to frustrate me or annoy me, everything from the annoying enemies to being able to be hit still while posing with an item that you had just picked up. Not to mention the enemies that drain your EXP when they hit you (Specially those eyeball things you encounter on the path to The Great Palace).
Now before I wind up sounding negative, I'll state this very quickly, I did however find the gameplay and all pretty advanced for it's time and it really was a good adventure game, I loved being able to walk around the overworld and go to various towns of Hyrule. I also liked the looks of the palaces, even if most of them were just colored differently. Another thing that I did like that hasn't been in a Zelda game since, the ability to level up Link. I thought it was pretty interesting but at the same time Zelda isn't supposed to be an RPG, so I see why they haven't used it again. Magic was pretty cool too and definetly came in handy. (Specially Shield)
One other complaint that I have is Link's sword is much too short, it was almost like he was using a butter knife. I find myself having to get very close to the enemy to be able to dish out damage but in doing that I usually get hit and take damage myself. The beam also was pretty much useless, as it deflects off of most of the enemies (Ironknuckle, etc)
In closing: I thought Zelda 2 could have been a damn good game, but the difficulty and frustration kinda brings it down, not to mention when you get game over instead of starting you off at the entrance of the palace, it makes you go all the way back to the beginning. Don't get me wrong, I do like a challenge but this game was just a little too challenging and at times unfair.
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