I'm copying and pasting this from another thread but it heavily applies here. :P
If you mean did it sell well, then it's a fact it was a failure. But is it good or bad? I think it's alright. It had a few good games on it that made it worth owning. Here are some of them:
Batman Returns
An impressive looking game that included some great cutscenes and driving stages. It's a revamp of the sidescrolling action Genesis game, and includes remixed music.
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Another very impressive looking game that flows very well, the gameplay is decent punching and kicking monsters, but it's one you should have fun with.
Dragon's Lair
Not much to say here, except the quality isn't as good as some other ports. Still, it's Dragons Lair at home on your TV, and you can't really go wrong there.
Final Fight CD
An amazing 2D beat em up with excellent graphics and sound, it might just be the best in the series. You can't go wrong.
Night Trap
The cult cl@ssic on the Sega CD, you switch between rooms and watch FMV scenes in an effort to catch thugs trying to raid a house. The only way to get good is to play it over and over, but it's good, cheesy fun.
Sonic CD
The most well known and popular game on the Sega CD, Sonic CD is very similar to Sonic 1, 2 and 3 (Although it came before 3) on the Sega Genesis, but contains much better quality music and some good use of the graphics hardware. The level design is tricky in this one, with large and confusing levels with narrow passageways and things that will knock you around. Still, it's a great Sonic game. Purists should pick up the Japanese version, as almost every track was changed for the American release.
A cool shoot em up with amazing music and nice looking graphics, there's some shooting limitations but very little. One of the few good Terminator games, worth checking out.
Time Gal
A game very similar to Dragon's Lair, press the right button at the right time to continue the animation lest you watch as you die. It has a strange anime syle to it, and there's nothing spectacular here, but if you loved Dragon's Lair on Sega CD, this should be a nice little treat.
Wonder Dog
A cute, kid friendly platformer that actually has pretty good gameplay, just jump around and shoot starts at enemies, simple, but fun.
Wow, that turned out to be a long list! So if you think the Sega CD is a completely horrible system, think again, it has some good games! Pictures courtesy of Shinforce, Veoh, Yosemite Sam NET, and Sega CD Universe, I chose witch games to talk about and found the screenshots at Video Game Critic's list of Sega CD reviews.
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