You know, back in the day, I remember the fights between console gamers and PC gamers. Console gamers praised being able to 'plug and play' games. No loading the game to the hard drive, no waiting, no clunky was just simple, you put in a game, and you played it.
Where have those days gone? Don't get me wrong, I love MGS 4, but come on, 10 minutes to load the game onto the hard drive? One of my friends told me that he had to go through the same thing with GTAIV. And anymore, seems like everytime you turn a console on (360, PS3, or Wii), you have to let it update. What has happened is that we have let the Big 3 turn us into the very things that we loathed 15 years ago....PC gamers...LOL. I mean, I remember when we complained for 10 seconds worth of loading screens between levels.
I mean, there is nothing like having a bunch of friends over to play Halo 3, and you got to wait for the thing to update before you can play. Maybe one day, high capacity SD cards will become so cheap that we can go back to cartridges...LOL.
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