@The_Last_Ride said:
@High-Res: So how in the blue hell would that be possible? You do know we have trophies or achievments as kind of leveling. You don't have any solution and i have no issue with levels at all
The solution is not to have them. I loved the Trophies and stuff in one of the earlier Call of Duties, Like I dunno, killing someone with a Morty dam (I can't spell it, deal with it). Unlock them by doing things...All of my trophies and achievements have all been unlocked by naturally just playing a game. Seems leveling has nothing to do with it.
What really gets my craw is I do play a variety of games, and when I sit down on XBOX One and play Battlefield 4 I get destroyed. I am like cannon fodder for every level 50 with every gun and upgrade available as I run around with my starter guns. Where is the skill in that? Are they better than me or is their equipment better? I thought FPS were about balance.
The other thing that really grinds my gear is I don't see how leveling in a game like Battlefield makes it better. I see it as more of a deterrent than anything.
Lastly I don't think it is "Designed" to make the game better, I argue it makes it worse. It is designed to keep the player loyal to one game and deter them from putting in time into other games. AND what bothers me most is the MOST SOLD ADD ON on XBOX Live when I started thinking about this and how much it bugged me was Short Cut kits! I ALREADY SPENT A $120.00!!!!!! Now I have to play each class for 60 hours to be competitive? Or give them MORE MONEY!!?!?!?!?
I want to play and have fun, not spend MORE money or a ridiculous amount of time to be on the same level as everyone else!
I guess i could somewhat deal with it better if it wasn't for Sale!
Again, I get it, Certain games, Leveling is a fundamental key to it's design. (World of Warcraft). But first person shooters? I'm sorry, no way, I aint getting on board with that. It's dumb and designed for Micro Transactions and sheep like brand loyalty!
I think GTA Online sucks because the only reason the leveling was even put in that game is because they were selling in game money for real money and used leveling as a balance to keep someone from buying awesomeness.
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