Poll Lets be honest you sit here more on the forums than you play games (40 votes)
Lets be honest...
Lets be honest...
Thanks to my phone, I can use this forum AND game at the same time. Which I do. Heck, I'm literally playing Resident Evil 2 Remake as I write this! lol ?
Definitely not... But some people on here do for sure.
wow, haven't seen you around for a while haha. Still same logo too
@blaznwiipspman1: Huh? I haven't been away. And I actually recently changed my avatar (if that's what you mean?).
You must be confusing me with someone else.
This spesific forum- No, I play more time than I'm here.
Other social media (like Youtube)? - Yes. I'm more time at Youtube than I play.
LOL I like to see you ask this kind of question in System Wars due to so many fanboys come to that place then anywhere else.
But anyways, I'm always & I mean always on my gaming PC, it's pretty much easier for me to come Gamespot's forums and post here and their when I'm on my gaming break. It should be noted GS is the only gaming site I ever come to, I have no other place to go to get my gaming news, so GS is really my home. And before you may think I don't play games that much, look at my sig below, I play many games more then I come here really, but I do come to GS out of bad habit when I need to take a break and using my gaming PC just makes it easier to come here and play my games is just too easy.
I'm gonna go with "Yes, I can't deny it" but I do play many games however. In other words, I do both lol. Fun fact: These are the forums I come all the time: (in this order)
Same reason never stuck with Fortnite and just checked it for curiosity. I'm a person who prefers quality over quantity, popularity doesn't mean much if you're not getting what you want out your time. I used SW in 2009 and was just filled with immaturity and repeated memes a bot could dish out daily.
Even then if you wanted active users? reddit and GFAQ crush everything on GS for as a userbase. Used GFAQ a lot yet got sick of the toxicity, it was rarely about games, and more inflated egos_
LOL I like to see you ask this kind of question in System Wars due to so many fanboys come to that place then anywhere else.
And doesn't seem that's changed for SW despite me seeing a few defend it at times. GD seems to be the only place on GS to find rational and interesting conversations about games. Otherwise 4Gamer Forum is my main site for gaming conversations, but it's not in english, so that maybe an issue for some. Considering the EZA Forums, I've read good things.
Probably true since I'm here to make the time pass while I'm at work. Once I get off I have more stuff to do so no way in hell can I ever play for 8 hours in one day. I probably game for 1-2 hours a day on weekdays if I game at all after work
The past couple of months my time spent on here has increased, but that is likely going to decrease since I have a lot of games now that I'm interested in playing.
I will still probably wanna pop in here to talk about games with other gamers. I just won't want to devote as much time to that.
I am here to communicate, get spoilers (yes, I like them) and share my experience. Also, I like forums news more then official - they have more emotions and that is cool.
That's because I'd rather watch movies or TV shows when I'm home. They're just better. I haven't played a game that really grabbed me for a long while. Mainly, I play my Switch when I'm at work now.
Thats true but only because I spend 12 hours working so i delve in the forums at work to alleviate boredom.
In a similar situation but also pack a Switch, 3DS, have back-up games on Mobile.
Forums can be really boring at times, never know when a gaming conversation will be worth digging into. Too many in 2019 recycle memes and have predictable one dimensional personas, usually the baiting kind.
I think lots of people spend more time talking about games than they do playing them.
Seeing how forums become when filled with these types, its easy to see how journalists are the worst people to get game information from, when its all demos and word of mouth. No wonder people like that ACG, cause he doesn't use some ambiguous rating system and is the same person reviewing, not some random person out of 12 or like Game Spot hires no-name writers when they want to hate on a game like Shadow of the Tomb Raider. What's even more dumb about reviews is the score, cause not all reviewers use exact same method of 1 through 10, to some a good game is 70 while others 80, and even lamer, most places don't signify what their scores actually mean, at least GI has a chart showing 7 is average and 8 is good.
That might sound exagerated, but look at some of these places. 1 person reviews it, 1 person makes the write up and then someone voices the video. So when watching a video, like at EZA, you're just listening to same person each time talk like they actually played the game, when it was someone else, so even small outfits can make truly horrible content, cause when minimal people you have to rely on them being versatile, cause if a fanboy all content is ruined, compared to big places where only half the content is ruined.
gaming is too boring these days. You either have a choice between a boring overly cinematic single player experience or a mp only battle royale game. I guess I'm too old and the industry is passing me by but once in a while there's a game that gets released that makes it worth sticking around.
Ha. Well, these days yeah. But, it's not for a bad reason - I just only have time to game a few hours on weekends, but I can poke around the forums and see what's up at any time
That only because you are a Moderator! Of course you're gonna pop up here anytime making sure GS is alive and well.
There may have been a time where I spent more time on Forums than actually gaming during some weekdays in any given week. But never has it been that I've been on Forums longer than actually playing games when comparing averages. Besides, the gaming Forums on here are too dead to make it worth spending any more than like 10 minutes on them at a time.
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