I've been going through the gameplay videos from E3 and I have some pretty big concerns right off the bat. First off, from everything I've seen, the game is going down the Sunshine route (a very mediocre platformer) rather than the Galaxy route (one of the best ever). Each section looks way too wide, most of the traversal looks too easy (it's supposed to be a platformer?), enemies look to be stupid and easy to avoid if need be and ultimately, each world looks to be the same but with a different skin.
What worries me even more if that in such a controllder environment, with Nintendo setting up the demo etc, the perosn playing the game made Mario look so slippery. A platformer is supposed to have precise controls, not to be slipping and sliding all over the place, which is what it looks like when Mario runs and then abruptly stops to change direction. Is this 1997 all over again?
I hope I'm proven wrong...I really do.
What did you guys think? Concerns? Pros? What about the coins, could they be mined for microtransactions?
Sound off!
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