HULK: Ultimate Destruction (PS2)
Ultimate Spiderman (PS2)
The Punisher (PS2)
Ghost Rider (PS2)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds (NGC)
Simpsons Hit'n'Run (NGC)
HULK (2003 - Xbox)
James Bond: Everything or Nothing (NGC)
James Bond: Nightfire (PS2)
James Bond: Agent Under Fire (PS2)
Peter Jackson's KING KONG (Xbox)
The Transformers (PS2)
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (PS2)
X-Men Legends I & II (PS2)
... My personal list goes on quite a bit further, but those are a few that I rarely see (and the systems I have them for, personally), mentioned in threads such as this. The idea of a licensed game being guaranteed garbage is an exaggeration brought on by some key games in history, but it's far from a rule.
I like a LOT of licensed games!
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