Good 2D Adventure titles (PC,Wii). Strong Bad cool game for Attractive people episodes, Hotel Dusk RM 215 (DS), Early Monkey Island titles (PC), Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) series (DS). Umm there are a few other good 2D Adventure titles on PC and the DS I can't think of the titles ATM.
As for RPGs on PC and PS3 sorry I do not own a Wii to suggest titles: PlaneScapeTorment (PC one of the best stories ever told in a video game), Balder's Gate 1,2, Dragon Age Origins, the Witcher, Vampire the Masquerade, Mass Effect 1,2, Star Wars Kotor 1,2, Jade Empire, Diablo 2, TorchLight, Fall Out 1-3, FallOut Tactics, Gothic 1,2, King's Bounty: Armored Princess. Those are all PC titles. As for PS3 games FallOut 3, Dragon Age Origins, Valkyria Chronicles, soon to be Final Fantasy XIII that's all I can think of ATM.
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