Hey, I am looking for a good gaming Podcast. I love the "Game One Plauschangriff" and I am looking for similar podcasts. I am looking for podcasts which are: -In German or English -theme-based (each episode of the podcast is about one topic) -funny
i realy like Invisible walls on gametrailers. its weekly base and its pretty funney. but its better that you like gametrailers oppinions when you watch it
While they don't keep to one topic, i will still recommend Videogameoutsiders... if you can stand John (one of the hosts) manic laughter :-) The Joystiq Podcast has its qualities but i find it to short for my liking...
The ones I'll mention don't have a strict theme every time, but they're all hilarious and interesting. My favorites are Gamescoop, Podcast Beyond, Rebel FM and the Giant Bombcast. They each have very different feels due to the different personalities and they're all a good time. Great to listen to while working out!
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