I am longer for a deep, long, intense Role Play game for either; The Playstation 2, PSP, Xbox, or Gamecube. Here are things I want it to have...
1. No button mashing attacks or mini games. For almost two years now I have had a repetitive stress motion injury in my right wrist. And sadly, it only hurts when I play the games that gave me it; Console action hack and slash games like Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden. Sense it is a JRPG, I inspect it to be fully turn based were I can take as much time as I want, and won't have any 'action' segments like "Press X 100 times in 30 seconds to power up his/her ultimate attack!" As much as I really do like that, it can't have that. I won't even be holding the controller right as I play this JRPG.
(1 Is the only requirement, the others are just bonuses.)
2. I want a game that was translated well. For some reason, despite being my first and only language I am still bad at English... I think he has to do with playing online games with players who even admit they're not fro, English countries. :P Please nothing with a ton of funny and mind numbing mistralrations such as "I feel asleep!"
3. Something with a 'dark' theme. I don't want the typical day were the hero is just out hunting and something bad happens so he leaves his home and it accidentally turns into a saving the world thing, I want a crusade type of thing were the hero is a cold blooded fighter who is actually a soldier or something going to war instead of a kid who always won his pretend sword fights with his friends. Anything with vampires and demons to add to this would be great as well.
4. I want juicy secrets, just as secret bosses and secret controllable characters. Whatever game I'm going get I'm going at least play it twice; once on my own and another time with a walk through to find all the secrets and such I missed.
5. A full cast of serious characters, I don't want to go adventuring with a giant cat or anything.
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