[QUOTE="xmitchconnorx"]Musashi: Samurai Legend, is a true hidden gem, and only $5 at gamestop.jalexbrown
Is Musashi: Samurai Legend really that good of a game. I've been wanting to buy it for my Square Enix collection, but I've hesitated after I purchased Unlimited Saga for $5 and was severly disappointed. I thought the original Brave Fencer Musashi was an above-average hack-n-slash RPG, so I was never sure about Samurai Legend.
I would completely disagree. It's more of a turd. It's got a very crappy story they didn't even try, HORRIBLE voice acting, the designs are boring and weak, Musashi despite being a ninja moves very slow, the combat lacks depth, there are special moves but you really don't need them. I bought it for $8 and regret it. Mediocre at best, I'm not sure why Square released it.
At least with Unlimited Saga there's the beautiful painted graphics.
As for gems -
Maximo, Mark of Kri, Kingdom Hearts (don't get the second one unless you like convoluted anime type stories), Final Fantasy X, Sly Cooper, 007: Everything or Nothing, Shinobi or Nightshade, Urban Reign is a good beat'em up, Dynasty Warriors 3 or 5, Onimusha series, Resident Evil 4, Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance (is better than Champions, X-Men Legends, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance), Prince of Persia series, Devil May Cry (3 if you don't mind heavy button mashing), Viewtiful Joe series, God Hand
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