I've recently been absent from the gaming world since I've succumbed into WoW, which was basically the only thing I ever played in my free time. However thankfully I've quit the game for good and am looking to go back to some good ol' fashion gaming, casual style. The thing is im very picky with games nowadays and really I get bored and tend to ditch a game very quickly if it doesnt appeal to me very early on.
Now im looking for a game with an excellent storyline - (i.e. deep compelling characters, great twists) and involves a decent amount of exploration and adventure. Im not particularly a fan of the typical point and click adventure games like monkey island and would like a more interactive experience. Admittedly I cant really stand out-dated graphics, but again im not expecting top of the line graphics either, just something acceptable.
My favourite games are Shenmue and KOTOR if that gives some sort of idea.
Thank You!
p.s: I've already played:
Fallout 3
Mass Effect
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