Not only this, i have to say that shooters in this geen and sandbox gamers are not are interesting as last gen. They just dont suck me in. Its like game developers forgot how to do their job.
Just Cause 2 alone blows that theory out of the water. JC2 is one of the most divergent and unique sandbox games ever made and it is incredibly polished and well-executed as well. Other sandbox games, like Infamous and Red Dead Redemption, are simply outstanding titles that show far more innovation than the myriad of GTA clones that clogged up retail last generation.
That entire notionthat older is better is an infectious bit of nonsense that is fueled by the cheap cynicism of our contemporary mindset. Luckily, as somebody who's been gaming since the inception of the medium, I know these claims are entirely unsubstantiated as our current generation affords us, collectively, not merely the largest pool of games to choose from but more venues and sources than ever before in which to find our software, including indie development, downloadable software, etc.
Practically every generation that has come before has endured the same criticisms. I remember reading a letter to the editor in a magazine during the 16bit era where a gamer loudly bemoaned how Contra III and Super Castlvania IV were pale iterations when compared to their NES counterparts. Ten or fifteen years from now discussion boards will be filled with gamers who lament the innovative generation we are currently enjoying. This entire mindset is nothing new and it repeats every generation, a banal and redundant cycle of complaints.
Some of the very best software is being developed and released right now and I'll happily debate anyone who suggests anything to the contrary. There was never any golden age of gaming and what so many people forget, assuming they were even present for the generations they venerate, is that each and every generation has suffered from a glut of crap software.
What happens is that as time progresses, the forgettable games become just that while the true classics are retained by the populace. This creates a distorted history where gamers only remember the quality and forget the sludge despite the reality that every generation has suffered torrents of mediocre and derivative games. I would argue that this current generation probably enjoys the highest crap-to-quality ratio, and for good reason.
If you can't find interesting and innovative software, the fault is yours, not the developers. For all of the bravado and swaggering I read and hear from gamers regarding innovation and uniqueness, most of them show very little interest in playing games outside their respective comfort zones. I'm not intending to attack you or your tastes personally, but when you call out developers as lazy and inept, I have to wonder what games are you playing?
Nicely put!!
Gaming's better than it's ever been!! :)
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