The last time I truly felt a sense of wonder, that I wasn't really playing a game while I was playing?
Majora's Mask.
That being said, many games this gen are quite easy to get lost in, such as Xenoblade, Dark Souls and Far Cry 3. While I love getting lsot in their worlds, they don't hold the same sense of wonder that Majora's Mask and, to a somewhat lesser extent, wind waker held for me. It could be any numebr of things, but I think the main one is that I'm older and I find it harder and harder to really convince myself that I'm not playing a game while I'm playing. Not necessarily the games' faults, that's just how I am.
Open world games are usually lots of fun, but because they're so open and complex to program, they almost never really feel "alive" or "real" to me. I think Majora's Mask was the perfect size, and, as I already said, Wind Waker to a lesser extent. They both seemed vast enough to realy capture me, without coming off as fake. Especially Majora, for numerous reasons, main one being the predictability. Not that the game is rpedictable, but that all the NPCs have shedules. Concerns. Problems. The repeating cycle actually elevated the atmosphere for me.
This is all for me, of course. I can easily get immersed and lost in a game, but I have yet to play a game that really feels as real as Majora's Mask or Wind Waker.
Dark SOuls is great in ways, but has too many annoying moments for me to get fully lost in it :P. plus what I am reallyu looking for is something with a world, rather than a nightmare lol. Something with town(s), fields, dungeons, or anything like that. You hardly see those kind of games now and not many companies aside from nintendo (before the Wii) specialize in them.
I think OoT, MM, and WW all did a phenomenal job of this, though wind waker had slight issues with its world/water. they are truly wonderous worlds to be in, explor, and complete your journey. I feel all the open worlds of today are MASSIVE in size and lose the detail and beauty because of it.
I guess I just keep hoping for Zelda WiiU to follow in the footsteps of past Zelda's rather than SS. TP was good but was too empty. I remember when I saw the first screenshots of Castlevania Lords of Shadow. I was so hoping it would be a 3D take on the metroidvania world setup, but alas it was God of War instead.
I would love if Zelda U was somehow connected to Majora's Mask. I want another really dark Zelda game. Maybe they can recapture some of the magic.
And yeah, dark Souls is weird... It's truly nightmarish, yet difficult to put down.
With every eyar, I see one or two more small issues with OoT... IMO Wind Waker and Majora surpassed it in most every respect, including world designs. About the sailing in WW, I think it actually added to the game. It gave it a bigger sense of adventure and anticipation... To me, it made the destination all the more fun and satisfying when there was that tangible buildup.
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