I was just wondering if these games deserve the hype they get. I mean i don't doubt for a second there not good games, but due to me about to start them recently, i was just wondering what i sorta mind set i should go into when playing these games?
Also, i heard they have pretty good stories, but due to work and stuff i dont have much time to play at the minute, and was just wondering the lengths of which they take to complete?
those games are a must-have especially mgs, it the best of the best during the ps1 era. those games are true cl@ssics. BUT the graphics are old so you will need time to adjust to it. both games are not long. you'll be able to finish them in a week or less.
since your interested in playing ps1 cl@ssics (i saw your other post about xenogears another ps1 cl@ssic), try checking on these games:
vagrant story
lunar silver star story
grandia 1
those gamestogether withff7 made the ps1 a legend imo. lol.
other games worth checking out:
parasite eve 1 and 2
dino crisis 2 (its way way better than 1)
just remember that the graphics are old! but its worth it if your a true gamer.
Wow :| Lol i have a list of about 10 other PS1 games and most of them are on there, you have good taste :P
Yeah im really interested in getting Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis. I also need to add Grandia 1 cause i forgot about it :o
Also, whats Lunar Silver Star Story about?
lunar silver star story complete is an old school rpg. the graphics are really old but the story is what makes it really really great. the story is really good. the theme of the story is about love, which is a rarity in rpg. you will have a blast with this game, esp if youve enjoyed chrono trigger and grandia 1.
i rank lunar as my all time top 5 rpg game. its a MUST have. the story will pick up early mid part of the game, plus the ending is satisfying. that is whats important in an rpg game. lol.
also get dino crisis 2 ok. dino crisis 1 is hard and i didnt like it that much. dino crisis 2 is more of an action game than a survival game. if you like parasite eve 2, you will definitely like dino crisis 2.
so far, those are must have and must played games on the ps1. there are a couple but those are the ones that really stand out. dont get any final fantasy games on the ps1 yet. save it for last... you wont be missing that much anyways imo. (im not just saying it, its true you wont be missing out -- maybe ff8 but the drawing system is what turned me off but the story is great)
make sure you play these 4 games atleast k: grandia 1, xenogears, vagrant story, lunar silver star story complete (psp remake coming this year i think).
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