Do you like 2-D Metroid or 2-D Castlevania better?
I enjoy Castlevania more, although the gameplay is basically the same, I find it easier to run through and slash with a whip and the gameplay is faster and more laid-back.
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They're both my favorite games for handhelds. IMO I like metroid a little better, especially Fusion! I played that game through about 8 times. My best time was 1 hour and 54 minutes, I thought that was pretty good.
I don't know, both are too good to choose. I think that Metroid would have been better if it was 1987, because it had an appeal advantage due to the utilization of the new open world formula.
I absolutely love both, but I feel I have better memories with Metroid. I do however think that Circle of the Moon was on par with Metroid, none of the other castlevania games have caught my attention as much.
Definitely Castlevania for me. If not for the amazing aesthetics that have followed the series throughout the ages, both in terms of graphics and music, then definitelyforthe largerand more varied scopeoftheseries, sporting both modern action-adventuretitlesand old-school stage-by-stage pureactiongames, ineachone exceedingonthe marketbothin quality andpersonality. The old-schoolone especiallyinpersonality.
Don'tget mewrong, though, Metroidisamazing. Thegamesare amazing,andincorporate atmospheresthat bestalmostevery othergameonthemarket,esepcailly Super and Prime 1. They're definitely right there after Castlevania, butthereis a somewhatnoticabledifference betweenthetwo.
Metroid all the way man. It is just so fun when you get all those super cool powerups. Plus metroid has ridley. Which is of course my favorite boss of all time!
I like both equally. Castlevania has a more fleshed out story, but Metroid is, in a way, more atmospheric. They both tie gameplay wise, however. It basically boils down to the best 2D games in the franchise: Super Metroid vs Symphony of the Night.
If it were to be a battle of the 3D games, it's absolutely no contest. Metroid all the way.
there's barely any analysis going on here.... how do you guys expect to have a conversation when you just type 'metroid' as an answer. it's an interesting thread, but it's ruined by people treating it like a shopping list.
anyway, i like metroid because of its balance. each metroid has a differently balanced game, but super metroid gets it almost perfect. the world is large and you feel quite small and not as powerful as in zero mission or fusion - it's about slow, gradual growth. in zero mission you're going so fast and dipping in and out of areas, almost like a castlevania game, where it's a lot more loose, and there are so many areas. i also find castlevania really hard and too punishing; enemies such as medusa heads, and bats, and annoying sticky staircases.
if you're talking about good side-scrolling action games you should include the Ghosts & Goblins series and Black Tiger. They are similar in nature to the original Castlevania's while having their own unique elements.
That said, I prefer the 8-bit/16-bit Castlevania games to the same time-period Metroid games.
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