Gaming has become such a lucrative industry over the years, I fear the ramifications of the introduction of microtransactions. First it was downloadable content which allowed game developers to spend less time in development because they could create less content initially. Then, the exploitation of gamers was taken a step further when downloadable content became nothing more than downloading a key that would unlock content that was already on the retail disc. Microtransactions represent a way for the game industry to nickel and dime consumers well after they purchase their product. If we have to pay to unlock additional content, that's one thing, but it will get to the point where progress in a game will be so time consuming, that anyone who wants to get a leg up on their competition (in heavily multiplayer games) or anyone who simply doesn't have the time or patience to spend several days to increase a level will gladly pay a dollar or two to do so. If a game is heavily discounted or even free, microtransactions are a way for the developer to compensate for the time and resources used to create a game, but the adoption of this business model by EA is highly concerning. Their games will still cost 60 dollars, they will still charge you for downloadable content, and you will have to pay to progress in the game. The gaming industry is slowly but surely alienating its fanbase and no one is holding them accountable. What do you all think about microtransactions in games?
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