I just got back into Guild Wars. I think I played it for around 30 hours or 100 hours 3 or 4 years ago.
I was chatting with a guild person and I casually mentioned how I had 33 skill points and 269,000 xp, thinking the guild would be impressed...
Turns out he has 850 skill points and 150,000,000 xp.
I remember playing WoW for a total of...say...600 hours. I quit a couple of years ago.
When a person spends 600 hours doing something and feels like a complete novice...well...
It's the end of civilization as we know it. Do people study anymore? Do they get married and raise families? Do they leave the house?
I was a little anti-social during my MMORPG phase...but seriously...there are 11 million WoW players (or people who have subscribed)...and they probably put 1 billion hours of time into a GAME.
1 billion hours of a generation's time...plus the other MMOs out there...it's a social apocalypse...the end is near...
Anyone else think there should be a license required to play MMORPGs, along with verified income by the IRS proving, an educational requirement and finally an age limit of 79 proving that you can do nothing better for society than pretend to be a night elf for 40 hours a week?
*logs back onto Guild Wars*
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