Latency is an unavoidable fact of online games, with that said lets talk about what causes online lag on mk9 and many others!
caused by not only network latency, which is largely out of a game's control, but also latency inherit in the way game simulations are run.
Mortal Kombat 2011 is ran at 30ticks per second with that said so is battlefield 3,4 and titanfall!
A lower tickrate also naturally reduces the precision of the simulation, which itself might cause problems if taken too far, or if the client and server simulations are running at significantly different rates.
Games may limit the number of times per second that updates are sent to a particular client, and/or are sent about particular objects in the game's world. Because of limitations in the amount of bandwidth available, and the CPU time that's taken by network communication, some games prioritize certain critical communication while limiting the frequency and priority of less important information.
now if these other games run at the same tick rate as MK9 why arnt they lagging while running heavier graphics and more bodies in each server.
the answer is the Netcode:
A game's choice of transport layer protocol can also affect perceived networking issues. Should the game use TCP, networking will have a high overhead cost and increased latency. Should it use UDP, the game engine may need to implement its own networking code to handle error conditions and other things that are handled by TCP; this increases the engine's complexity and might itself lead to issues.
the fact is if your experiencing lag only on mk9 and not on other games you are experiencing Netcode issues on there server.
you can try getting a new router, port forwarding your games known ports, make your router run through dmz mode, but if its a netcode issue, then the game server cant communicate properly between server and client and there is nothing you can do but talk with the creators and hope for the best.
i will say Mortal Kombat X is gonna run at 60ticks per second: with that said ill let you know how that may help:
A lower tickrate increases latency in the synchronization of the game simulation between the server and clients
so a higher tickrate decreases latency in the synchronization of the game simulation between the server and clients!
i do believe that MKX will be running a better online netcode maybe a UDP with a well built internal system!
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