Good thing there wasn't an achievement to beat Vesperia on Unknown difficulty, eh? :P
I would've earned it, because I did beat the game on Unknown (and it was fun to boot). However, it was no where near as fun as the Unknown difficulty in Tales of the Abyss. I blame it on the lack of a Glory skill for anyone but Yuri.
Yeah, I wouldn've earned it too, because I also did the same thing. From start to finish, I beat it on Unknown and it was challenging, but fun! Even though I've beaten Abyss, I never beaten Abyss on Unknown...wonder how much more of a pain it would be go through on it than on Vesperia?
Tenfold XP and transfer all C.Cores and AD Skills if you do. It makes the game not only much more manageable, less of a chore compared to Vesperia. A friend to play a second character alongside you also makes battles so much more hectic! Nothing like making mad dashes to those FoFs to use the fancy artes :P
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