I don't play as many games as 2016 in this year, but there still some titles that I found to be disappointing. Of course I'm will not going to mention the games that come almost every year such as Call of Duty, Fifa, Madden, Atelier, Neptunia, Ubisoft games, etc. While it is too early for me to write this article but I don't think there will more high-profiled games released in this month(December) unless we can count the DLCs for existing games, which not going to be covered in this article.
1. Mass Effect Andromeda. While I already warned about it but I bought it anyway because I'm a big fan of the series and Bioware itself. Even though I already lowered my expectations earlier but I'm still pretty much disappointed with it. I personally liked the idea of finding new homes for Milky Way immigrants in Andromeda galaxy but the game itslef infested with bugs, troubled at launch, hideous facial animations, too many patches and updates, etc. I also found out it wasn't developed by Bioware's main studio as they are too busy with Anthem, which only revealed to the public in in this year's E3. ME Andromeda was developed by a smaller sister studio which already closed down recently. Its promised single-player DLC, Quarian ark, has been cancelled and only covered in the comics instead. Did Bioware developed Andromeda in order to protect Anthem from being revealed too soon to public? If its true then Andromeda could have been the biggest, most expensive red herring ever thrown to us.
2. Blue Reflection. I was pumped for this game for so long since last year but unfortunately I was disappointed on how its final product turned out. While not glitchy but its graphics don't meet the PS4 standards, broken PC port, very limited appeal, etc. Rushed develoment may have been the culprit as the developers only given 6 months to develop and finish a project that should take at least 18 months. Thanks for lacking of calendar system, you don't have to worry about missing something. I remembered of spending at least 2-weeks of in-game time just to figure out what to do next. The game stole many ideas from Persona series, especially the fifth one but failed to implement any of them due to limited development time and terrible management decisions. There's only 3 playable characters and too little variations on each, making battles tedious than fun. Perhaps the biggest sin of this game ever comitted is milked for its DLCs. The swimsuit and Final Fantasy XV costumes are not free and need to be bought later(perhaps I should rethink on how much I hates FFXV). While no sequels ever planned but I shouldn't be surprised if there will be more similar games planned in the future. Perhaps I learned a valuable lesson of not to buy any more Koei-Tecmo games again with Blue Reflection.
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