What's the most gruesome scene you've experienced in a video game?
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Phantasmagoria had quite a few. I didn't think the makers of King's Quest would get that crazy. I was going to post links, but I figured it might be too much.
Most scenes are so over the top in terms of realism that they don't really disturb me or seem gruesome. That being said I would say the scene in Prey involving Jenny or maybe some parts of the Brothers in Arms series because you get to know some characters. F.E.A.R. also has some gruesome parts to it.
One of the most violent games to ever get published.Condemned 2 h as some very violet parts to it, well the whole things violent but some parts are even more so.
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth had some really messed up and creepy stuff going on. Peeking through a basement window and watching a guy stab a woman to death, creep through a house and have the body of a woman who had hanged herself falling down right in front of you...muthsera666Or finding a guy dissected and still alive with all his organs in water tanks outside his body, connected with tubes. Or a girl ripped up by her mutated mom. That game is creepy stuff. Awesome.
For me its a toss up between the opening scene of the Pacific war in Call of Duty WaW or the stroggification of Matthew Kane in Quake 4.
Almost all the death scenes in Resident Evil 4.:twisted:
The one that comes to mind is the one where Leon gets vomited on by a big bug. His face just melts away before you...!
Ok guys i know the answer to this one, nothing comes close, ive played every horror game in the past twenty years.
Harvestor and Phantasmagoria.
Some scenes from harvestor: Kids eating their mother, ripping spinal cord out of a women, TONS of other stuff
Some scenes from phantasmagoria: Fat women forcefed through a funnel tube till she dies, girl stuffed with dirt in her mouth with a shovel, demon ripping heads off at the end,
All scenes in FMV, full motion video with real actors.
They just dont make games like these 2 anymore. :(
• Spinal cord disemberment in Mortal Kombat 2.
• Getting head disembered in Resident Evil 4.
• Blood pools in Grand Theft Auto 4.
Those are just a few really gruesome moments that I can recall when playing a game. I know there are a lot more than that.
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