Wolfenstein 3D - Pretty much gave birth to the FPS genre.
Doom - Took the FPS genre into the beginning of 3D. Introduced online co-op. Also the first online FPS.
Quake - Further took the FPS genre into 3D with effects...also further progressed online multiplayer and co-op in the FPS genre.
Half Life - Added more depth to FPS by incorporating plotlines, scripted events, and character sequences. Allowed you to recruit friendly AI to fight alongside you. Introduced the importance of how AI can greatly enhance an FPS. Pretty much took the Mod scene to new heights.
Thief - Fused FPS and Stealth.
Tribes - Introduced large scale multiplayer battlefields and took large scale team-based multiplayer in FPS games to a new level. Also popularized items such as rechargeble shields, mines, on-the-fly grenades, etc. One of the first FPS games were vehicles were a big part of gameplay.
System Shock 2 - Further advanced the FPS genre by fusing it with RPG elements. Allowed you to fully customize a character which could greatly alter the gameplay.
Counterstrike - Major influence for multiplayer FPS games, especially with team based gameplay.
Unreal Tournament - Took team-based multiplayer to a whole new level with Assualt game modes. Introduced unparrelled AI for the time.
Deus Ex - Like System Shock 2 before it, fused FPS with RPG, but this time your character had a more vital role in shaping the world around you with led to branching plot paths and multiple endings.
Battlefield 1942 - Further took FPS multiplayer to the next level by pretty much introducing and popularizing massive scale battlefields.
Half Life 2 - Incorporated physics based puzzles as a form of gameplay to progress through the the single player campaign.Action Adventure:
Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Literally evolved the action adventure genre and took it into a new era.
Ico - Very unique atmospheric adventure with puzzle solving based gameplay.
Devil May Cry - This action game pretty much introduced the type of gameplay which was later a template for games like NG and GoW.
Grand Theft Auto 3 - Literally changed gaming. Introduced free-roaming sandbox world with mission based gameplay. Radio stations. Mini-missions. etc.
Mafia - Took the free-roaming nature of GTA3 and fused it with a compelling and engaging narrative that allowed the game to be free-roaming while also maintaining a linear narrative.
Resident Evil 4 - Took third person shooters to a whole new level. One of the first games to really popularize interactive cutscenes.RPG:
Fallout - Epic Single Player RPG that introduced a fully-freeroaming world with a unique atmoshere and Pop-Culture references that played a big role in this game.
Lineage - Pretty much the first MMORPG to take make the genre huge and popular.
Everquest - Continued to greatly popularized the MMORPG, especially in the West, and is pretty much considered the granddaddy to it.
Planescape Torment - Took the RPG genre to a whole new level by taking dialogue and character interaction to a whole new level where it effected gameplay and progressed the story more so then actual actions.
KOTOR - Pretty much took Epic D&D based RPGs with a turn based system and brought it into full 3D and while allowing combat and actions to seem virtually realtime despite actually being turn based.
World of Warcraft - Pretty much took MMORPGs and multiplayer as a whole to a whole new level in terms of community interaction.Platformer:
Super Mario 64 - Took its genre into full 3D.
Maniac Mansion - Introduced multiple selectable character and a new form of interface for Adventure games.
Day of the Tentacle - Pretty much gave birth to the adventure formula that made Lucasarts and Sierra adventure games hits in the mid-90's and carried the genre for almost a decade.
Grim Fandango - Took the traditional adventure genre into 3D, especially with interaction with the gameworld.
The Longest Journey - Revived the adventure genre for a short time in 2000 by introducing a more mature and epic storyline.
Indigo Prophecy / Fahrenheit - Multiple paths that influences various aspects of the story, interactive cutscenes, unique 3D interface for what was technically a traditional adventure game allowed the character to perform multiple forms of tasks and actions and could be adapted to any circumstance.Robnyc22
you list is soo much better and mine is a worthless piece of **** so i though that this thread should revolve around your list, which it already did...Â
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