Most underrated games:
Super Mario Sunshine - constantly under Mario 64's shadow, and for this reason is never appreciated or praised as much as it should be, as it's an awesome game
Zelda: Majora's Mask - Again, is always in Ocarina of Time's shadow and for this reason is always overlooked and doesn't get nearly as much attention as it deserves. I'd go as far as to say it's unfair to compare Majora's Mask to Ocarina of Time, as they are both so completely different from each other, the only thing they have in common being that they are both Zelda games. It is probably the most unique Zelda because it's so different, and definitely one of the best (my personal favourite infact).
Metroid Prime 3 - One of the best games on Wii, in terms of both graphics and gameplay. Is, for some reason, constantly compared to the not-as-good but more popular Halo 3 (although they have very little in common) and doesn't get as much attention as it should.
Skies of Arcadia - Hardly ever gets a mention, but is the best RPG I've ever played.
What are your most underrated games and why?
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