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DS 80% Playing both gba and DS games
Wii 17.5% mainly VC and channels
360 2.5% I need an Oblivion sequel. :(
I'm just waiting for the big hitters to land. Bioshock and MP3, Mario Galaxy, Halo 3 etc. What happened to GTA IV and Manhunt 2 :cry:
Ah well, at least Trauma center second opinion launches in europe this friday :)
In order from most to least, and limiting PC to gaming use...
DS - PC - SNES - Wii - PS2 - N64.
Those are only the ones I have set up, though. And my DS playing had gone down a tad since... I.. h i t t h e s c r e e n... Now it's got a dead spot, hehe... (makes EBA impossible)
Well right now for me it's:
Xbox 360 - 85% Simply so many games I'm enjoying right now. I still put in plenty of time with Gears of War online and been playing alot of Forza 2 along with an XBLA title every now and then.
DS -12.5% Mostly just plugging away at Pokemon Diamond right now but I'll definately increase my time with the DS when Zelda hits.
PS2 - 2.5% There are still a few games that I'm somewhat interested in checking out but after Rogue Galaxy and God of War II I'm pretty much done with the previous generation.
PC - 0% My PC is as old as the hills so while there is definately quite a few games I want to play I need to get a new to play them.
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