I have it on my Wii's virtual console, and I don't understand why Nintendo was so cruel back in the day, those games were so unnecessarily hard it is unbelievable.
The enemies are so unpredictable, it seems that they don't have any patterns of movement i.e. the bullet bills, the cheep-cheep that jump out of the water... they just attack at random... and when I hit an item block and a mushroom comes out, it always travels in the direction OPPOSITE to the direction I'm going to pick it up. I have tried the same level several times and no matter which direction I go, it goes the opposite direction, meaning I have to fake a direction and quickly turn around. WHY?!?? Why would Nintendo do this?
Why is it that every time you die, mario moves to the beginning of the map? You'd obviously want to play the same level again, heck you can't even re-play levels you've previously beaten, so why does Mario go to the beginning of the map so that you'd have to waste time and patience walking all the way back to the level?!? Absolutely unnecessary! And they had to make Mario's movements so slippery that when I have to jump on a tiny platform I have to make sure he lands perfectly still on it. Jeez.
There are barely any checkpoints so that when you get game over you have to re-play the levels that were so difficult to beat. I really don't understand why Nintendo made such a long and difficult game back then when you couldn't even save the game, did they expect someone to beat the game in one sitting?!?? I know there are ways to save now, but that's aside from the point.
The differnce between the difficulty of the games back then and now is obvious; back then games like Mario Bros. were cruel and unreasonably hard, now some Mario games are still hard, i.e. Mario Galaxy prankster comets, which are really hard, but not anything like this. I've quit playing this game, I hope it's not just me who sucks at it, but it's making me furious a lot more than it is fun.
What do you guys think of this game?
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