So many AAA titles and good controller. Only thing lacking was the amount of games
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So many AAA titles and good controller. Only thing lacking was the amount of games
Agreed, though it didn't seem too bad since so many games were AAA quality!
N64 was the best hands down. Many great titles like Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros, Starfox, Mario Kart.
I'd say N64 is my LEAST favorite system. Well, at least that I own or have owned. To be fair, I got it late in its life cycle, and really only for Perfect Dark, but I felt the controller was terrible and the remainder of the game library spotty at best.
But that's just my opinion.
no way. You can't be the best ever when you aren't even the best of that generation. PS1 owned that gen. I had a N64 and didn't like it at all. There weren't enough good games for me. It just so happened that when they did have a good game (OOT, Mario), they were beyond good, they were great. N64 had some solid quality, but PS1 had the quality AND quantity that gen. But in my opinion, the NES was the best system. How many game franchises do you know that have been around for over 20 years that were on that system (marion, zelda, metroid, final fantasy, metal gear, etc.) NES hands down IMO.
I may be a little bias cause my favorite game to this day is still Mike Tyson's Punch Out
Only thing lacking was the amount of games
thats enough reason to be not good. personally I dont see any game on n64 except zelda. in its gen PS1 ruled, but like someone said already NES was unrivalled, though I still dont think its greatest system ever made. PS2 had both quality and quantity, so its fit to this title
Graphically of course, the N64 isn't the greatest system, nor powerwise either. But since I'm not into fighting games, the N64 had plenty of games I liked. Plenty of platformers like Banjo-Kazooie, Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64, Bomberman, Mischief Makers, and more. Plus it had other great games like Paper Mario, and the Mario Party series which was fresh back then. So, for me, the N64 has the best games out of every system, including the current gen.
wait ,, only one game ok ,, thats a lie,,
re 0
eternal darkness
zelda ww
luigi mansion
super mario sunshine
paper mario ttyd
zelda tp
metroid 1 and 2
ugh ppl these days plus all the 3rd party aaa titles like timesplitters mortal kombat etc
and no ,,, snes and wii are the best 2 nes is a whole other league nothing compares to it
but n64 did have more of the best games then gc or ps2 or ps3/xbox /360 ,,,,
perfect dark
conker-the supieror version not that watered down xbox port
super smash bros
zelda oot
zelda mm
paper mario
banjo kazooie 1 and 2
mario party 1-2
mariokart 64
duke nukem 64
doom 64
hexen 64
rush series
cruis n series
california speed
diddy kong racing
stuntracer 64
extreme g
etc i could go on for ever
for its time out ,, i say it comes in a solid 3rd place behind snes and now wii ,, going by list of games wii is in first, and looks to break snes record,
ps1 owned it only in sales, but you know what it was the brand name,, once ps3 came everything changed,, wiis out front,,no way. You can't be the best ever when you aren't even the best of that generation. PS1 owned that gen. I had a N64 and didn't like it at all. There weren't enough good games for me. It just so happened that when they did have a good game (OOT, Mario), they were beyond good, they were great. N64 had some solid quality, but PS1 had the quality AND quantity that gen. But in my opinion, the NES was the best system. How many game franchises do you know that have been around for over 20 years that were on that system (marion, zelda, metroid, final fantasy, metal gear, etc.) NES hands down IMO.
I may be a little bias cause my favorite game to this day is still Mike Tyson's Punch Out
and lets compare n64s best games --to ps1 goldeneye-4 players ,,,, what did ps1 have no goldeneye also no 4 controller ports , and its 007 games lacked multiplayer what came standard with most n64 fpses ,, and graphics wise n64 tossed ps1 to the ground, and snes also did in some cases ,,
heres some of the multiplatform games on n64 and ps1 and their features
duke nukem 64-4 players -co op -good graphics also had 3 ai if you played alone,, ps1 version known as total meltdown which i must add 64 version got a 5 or 6 in ratings
the ps1 version again known as total meltdown -only single player is available without hooking 2 playstations 2 tvs and owning 2 games of the same now who would do that when ps1 had 2 contoller sockets to begin with kinda pricey and its graphics werent the best ps saw again its stripped down of co op and some of the features in n64 version and that version got a 4 . somthing ,, its low thats all i know same for hexen 5,1 i believe check gamespot, most of the good n64 games ended up like shovel ware on ps1 ,due to the lack of multiplayer and limited capabilities
the world is not enough-interisting enough-it only has single player whats more is it played far to different from n64 version which was supieror in graphics and gameplay and included 3 bots or 4 players in multiplayer ,, so another game stripped of multiplayer functionallity and less detailed environments
another game is rush series-far inferior to the dreamcast or n64 versions of the game,,
alot of multiplatform games on n64/ps1 did better on n64 ,, as seen with other examples like hexen
or quake and most of the reviews of these games ps1s versions had lower scores
and i myself agree with gamespot especally with mortal kombat trilogy and hexen ,, or twine, tommorow never dies,, face it it was the brand name that people bought ps 1 and 2 for not the software, yes ity had ff and gta,, nfs spyro and crash twisted metal but when we went into the ps2 era everything changed all those games were on xbox or gamecube or all 3 ,
and look where were at ,,, wii is up front to me ps1 never really had a goldeneye like game,, nor one to compare to it, and it didnt have supierer versions of anything , that wasnt exclusive i got ps1 for its exclusives but im not so sure why i picked up a 300 ps2 when all those titles went multiplatform and again not so sure about that 600 ps3 either ,,, im even more so concerned about sonys future, then when nintendo had its shortcomings, at least i know my pockets werent broke at the end of the transactions ,,
and in the end nintendo always had one or 2 awsome games up its sleeve, you cant deny it,, either, n64 and ps1 had its own set of games ,, as its multiplatform ones didnt fair to good on ps1,, so in the end ps1 is the best sony platform made, anything later is a fluke ,, i can say that, as for microsoft and its xbox,, i dont know , really it hasnt proven to be any different from ps2 and gc ,, which is why i dont know why i got one, it only had a few exclusives worth owning ,,
so my conclusion is this the best legacy platform ever is the super nes ,, without further questions
Greatest system? My answer is no. It lost several third party supports like Squaresoft. It lacked the large numbers of RPGs and fighting games. It forced me that I purchased Playstation. I own N64 and Playstation. I played Playstation than N64. I was glad that Gamecube regained third party supports slowly.
It's definitely one of the best but the lack of highly rated games keeps it from being the best ever.
I would call the NES the best system ever just because before that all there really was, was Atari and a bunch of repetitive games with no ending to them. The original NES revived the game console market and began the death of the coin op arcades.
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