Lets compare the game quality of these two consoles shall we?
Exclusives (not counting PC and other consoles):
- Mario 64 vs Spyro
Mario 64 was quite the groundbreaking game it came out and still holds up well to this day. It's just a timeless classic and that's undeniable. It took Sony quite some time to come up with something that could match it. That something was called Spyro and it was a nice game and a good attempt at countering Mario 64 and the other N64 platformers. However, the game falls a little short on the level design side and just isn't as groundbreaking. While I can see why some would like Spyro more, I do feel Mario 64 is simply the better game. Winner: Mario 64
- Wave Race 64 vs Jet Moto
When Wave Race 64 came out it was amazing. It had amazing water effect and was something not even arcades had. So it's no surprise Sony thried to counter it and PS' answer was Jet Moto. Of course the game was of much lower quality and had seaming graphics and not nearly as pretty water effects but it wasn't that shabby. Tho the clear winner here is Wave Race 64. Winner: Wave Race 64
- 1080 Snowboarding vs Cool Borders
Now this is a real overlooked N64 gem right there. Not only it has great speed, it also has great tracks and nice graphics. Cool Borders were okayish, but they just pale in comparison. Winner: 1080 Snowboarding
- Banjo-Kazooie vs Crash Bandicoot 3
Perhaps not the best comparison since one is a fully 3D platformer while the other is more a 2.5D platformer but nevertheless both are seen as some of the best platformers on their respective platforms and were released in similar times. Now I will agree Crash 3 is pretty much the best platformer out there for the PS1 and easily the best in the series, but in spite of that Banjo-Kazooie is just a masterpiece that, in my opinion, wasn't even surpassed by it's successor (Banjo-Tooie). It's everything that made Mario 64 great, just better. So I have to give it. Winner: Banjo-Kazooie
- GoldenEye 007 vs Medal of Honor
There is no denying that N64 was the console to go for if you were a FPS fan back in the days. And GoldenEye 007 just happened to be one of it's tops. It was trully a small revolution in the FPS genre and is still a good game with some excellent level design (despite the poor framerate). MoH was pretty much PS1's GoldenEye and it did it's job, but it does not have the great level design or pace found in GE. So the winner is quite clear here. And let's not mention Perfect Dark which is even better, yet the PS1 didn't have anything to compete with it (TWINE doesn't count cos it's on the N64 too). Winner: GoldenEye 007
- Diddy Kong Racing vs Crash Team Racing
DKR was the first Mario Kart esque racer that incorporated a story mode and multiple vehicles. Not only that, it also had some nice graphics for it's time, many diverse tracks and was just fun to play. Only problem were the frame drops. CTR was pretty much PS1's answer to Mario Kart and while I did it's job remarkably well and looked very good for a PS1 game (shaky textures tho), I would not say it was better than DKR. DKR just had more content and offered three different vehicles for each racer. Winner: Diddy Kong Racing
- Jet Force Gemini vs MDK
Now the first MDK was quite the game when it came out. It had everything a good game should have, from good graphics to good gameplay. However, JFG on the N64 just upgraded the concept. You had three different characters to choose from, it had massive worlds, amazing graphics, huge bosses, lots of secrets, ect. There was even a multi-player in there. The only problem was the low framerate, but with such graphics and scale that's acceptable. So despite MDK's qualities, I just have to pick JFG over it. Winner: Jet Force Gemini
- F-Zero X vs WipEout 2097
By many the best futuristic arcade racer on the N64 vs by many the best futuristic arcade racer on the PS1. I will say WipEout had the better graphics and more diverse courses, however the sense of speed, track design and soundtrack in F-Zero X is just unmatched. Great 4-palyer mode too. The only thing I could desire would be a track editor (which was released in the F-Zero X Expansion Kit for the 64DD only in Japan). Winner: F-Zero X
- Star Fox 64 vs War Hawk
Perhaps not the best comparsion, but I can't think of any other celebrated PS1 game that could be compared to Star Fox 64 (save perhaps for Rogue Squadron on the N64). Now War Hawk was a pretty cool game with good graphics and action gameplay when it came out, but it didn't really age well imo. Star Fox 64, on the other hand, just got re-released on the 3DS and it's still a good game. Maybe not everything one could desire, but certainly a quality game. So we're essentially comparing a timeless classic against a forgettable Sony game used for graphics demonstation purposes. Winner: Star Fox 64
- F1 World Grand Prix vs F1 97
F1 WGP was also released on numerous other platforms (even the PS1), but the original version of the game was N64 exclusive. Likewise F1 97 is ofter refered to as the defining PS1 F1 racer. Comparing the two isn't easy since the first is a (semi) sim while the other an arcade racer. Also the physics in both games are a little poor and they have some graphical issues. But if I had to choose the game I consider a little better, it would be F1 WGP on the N64. There was also a F1 WGP II (Europe only) which improved some of the problems of the original. Winner: F1 World Grand Prix
- Kirby 64 vs Klonoa
Two cute 2.5D platformers, each remiscent of each other. I have to say Kirby 64 kinda failed to live up to the quality of the SNES and NES Kirby games, but it was still an enjoyable game. I don't consider Klonoa to be that great personally, but I have to give it here (I personally like Kirby 64 more tho). Winner: Klonoa
- Ocarina of Time vs Final Fantasy VII
Now comparing these two is kinda problematic since one is an action-adventure with some RPG touches while the other is a "proper" JRPG. However, both are often celebrated as the "fantasy action game" peaks on their respective systems and were often compared, despite a little different genres. I have to say I find OoT to just be the better, more important game than FF VII. Yes, FF VII was indeed a good game, but it was just too traditional and didn't really bring it's genre to the next level (save for some 3D graphics). While OoT pretty much redefined gaming at the time by combining what was seemingly incompatible and as a "triumphant" transition of the franchise into "glorious" 3-D graphics. Both are great games, but OoT was just the better and more revolutionary game. Winner: Ocarina of Time
- World Driver Championship vs Gran Turismo 2
There is no denying that Gran Turismo was one of the most important console racers ever. However, it was given quite a run for it's money by N64's World Driver Championship. Not only that game had better graphics, it also had some very good physics as well. But as good of a try WDC was, it was not quite a match for Gran Turismo 2, which is simply the better game, with much more content like official cars, tracks, soundtrack, costumization, ect. Nevetheless, WDC will always be N64's finest sim racer. Winner: Gran Turismo 2
- Top Gear Rally 2 vs Colin McRae Rally 2
The first TGR was a very good rally game that gave PS1's V-Rally (later released on the N64 as V-Rally 64) a run for it's money, but the sequel wasn't exactly everything one would hope for. From the blurry graphics to average physics, TGR 2 wasn't the defining rally game in it's generation by any means. Perhaps the problem was that it was made by Kemco and not Boss Studios (who made TGR 1 and WDC). Anyhow, the game was literally destroyed by CMR 2 on the PS1, which is easily the finest rally racer in it's gen. Winner: Colin McRae Rally 2
- Indiana Jones and The Infernal Machine vs Tomb Raider IV
N64's only Tomb Radier-esque game vs what could be seen as the defining Tomb Raider game on the PS1. Now Indy was quite the technically achievement for the N64, thus one of the best-looking games on the system and I'm not really a fan of the Tomb Raider games. But I have to say that Tomb Raider IV seems the better game to me, regardless of my taste. Indy just feels too clunky (Tomb Raider does too tho). Winner: Tomb Raider IV
- Rush 2048 vs Ridge Racer IV
Two arcade racers, each pushing it's respective system to it's limits. Rush 2048 is quite amazing for a N64 game, but so is RR IV very impressive for a PS1 game. Altho technically Rush is better, it also runs slower. It really comes down to what you prefer. Winner: Tie
- Operation WinBack vs Metal Gear Solid
A Kemco game vs a Kojima game. Gee, I wonder what's better? Winner: MGS
- Fighter's Destiny vs Tekken 3
The N64 was quite notorious for it's lack of quality fighters so this is really a no question. We did get Smash Bros. tho. Winner: Tekken 3
This is just some of them since there are many I simply can't compare (like Conker's Bad Fur Day, Majora's Mask, Paper Mario, Perfect Dark, Smash Bros., Soul Reaver, SotN, Chrono Cross, ect.).
- Ridge Racer / Ridge Racer 64
Altho PS1 got RR IV, RR 64 is basically a remake of the original RR. And not only it looks much better (smooth graphics), it's pretty much the definitive version of the original Ridge Racer and feels almost like a new game. Winner: RR64 / N64 version
- Rayman 2
This game was clearing made with N64 in mind and it shows. The PS1 version suffers from considerably worse graphics and cut-out levels. Winner: N64 version
- The World is Not Enough
PS1 version has better textures but the gameplay is better in the N64 one. N64 was just the console to go for if you were a FPS fan (PS1 didn't even have an answer to Turok). Winner: N64 version
- Tony Hawk Skateboarding 2
Pixelated graphics vs smooth graphics, I wonder what's better? Tho the game looked better on N64, it kinda feels more at home on the PS1. Winner: Tie
- Quake II
Excellent port vs a semi-decent port. N64 version has smooth graphics, but lacks some animation, has worse texture detail and completely redesigned levels. It's not bad but the PS1 port is just much more impressive, given the systems' limitations. Winner: PS1 version
- Doom / Doom 64
Now Doom on the 64 is basically a completely new version of Doom and could perhaps count for an exclusive, but in spite of this the PS1 version just feels much more true to the PC original, thus better. Winner: PS1 version
- WipEout / WipEout 64
Yet another PS1 port which isn't shabby but could be better. Smooth graphics but notable pop-up and a bit lazy port. Winner: Tie
- Duke Nukem 3D / Duke Nukem 64
The PS1 version is closer to the PC original but has some slowdown while the 64 version has smooth graphics and some new effects, but is censored. N64 version is saved by a great multi-player tho. Winner: Duke Nukem 64 / N64 version
- Shadowman
This game was developed for N64 first and foremost and it shows. The PS1 has a lot worse graphics, slowdown, seaming, ect. Winner: N64 version
Feel free to disagree or write your own comparisons :)
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