Me its no surprise but The Last of us, i beaten all the difficulties even if grounded was a pain in my ass. i think i played it like many 20 times, i never get tired of the story or gameplay plus Ellie is the greatest video game character
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Me its no surprise but The Last of us, i beaten all the difficulties even if grounded was a pain in my ass. i think i played it like many 20 times, i never get tired of the story or gameplay plus Ellie is the greatest video game character
Me its no surprise but The Last of us, i beaten all the difficulties even if grounded was a pain in my ass. i think i played it like many 20 times, i never get tired of the story or gameplay plus Ellie is the greatest video game character
Only games i have kept playing is Civilization, football manager, FIFA and a few other mmo´s.
Otherwise i play games once and never go back, i can't stand spoilers and playing through it again reveals nothing new. With that said i also do play a game 100% , i never rush through it and i always do all the side and extra material before going through the main story line.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game, Contra, Super C, Contra III, Chrono Trigger, Mega Man 2, Mega Man X, Super Castlevania IV, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Final Fight, Sparkster, Diablo II, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 4, Metal Gear Solid, and Metal Gear Solid 2 are some of the games that I have played the most amount of times.
Deus Ex or Anno 2070
I have a yearly playtrough of the original Deus Ex as well. I will also, every once in a while replay the first two Max Payne and Duke Nukem 3d.
I keep an iteration of Xcom and Galactic Civilizations installed at all times.
Halo Reach. I've even unlocked all the armor parts and voices for firefight! *sigh* I really wish Master Chief Collection came with it instead of ODST!
Deus Ex or Anno 2070
I have a yearly playtrough of the original Deus Ex as well. I will also, every once in a while replay the first two Max Payne and Duke Nukem 3d.
I keep an iteration of Xcom and Galactic Civilizations installed at all times.
GalCiv 2 is a game I used to play fairly regularly for years, had a permanent home on my system. Sadly, reformated and never reinstalled it. And GalCiv 3 is good, but not quite the same :(
Amen to Max Payne, game is timeless, no game has done bullet time as flawlessly to this day.
Half-life 2 and Another World. Very rarely I touch a game after finishing it but those two I have no idea how many time I've played them.
Super Mario 64 is the game I've replayed the most times and Super Smash Brothers Melee is the game that I've put the most hours into, they're both masterpieces in my book.
I've played Civilization 5 a lot. It may be the game i've put the most hours into. Really disappointed in Civ 6 so far though.
Probably another one has been Ultima 7, i used to play it non stop, not as much now but I still go back to it quite a bit. Jagged Alliance 1 & 2 i can go back to a lot also.
Skyrim also i've put in a lot of time either playing it or testing the unlimited amount of mods for the game.
Borderlands 2
I have now gotten every single vault hunter to level 72. This means I played through the game 3 times with each vault hunter....and I got 2 of them to Overpowered Level 8.
The amount of playthroughs should be in the 20s.
That is a tough question. I love replaying games and I've played many games throughout many years. I don't count my replay times, but I would guess it would have to be "Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of time". I played that a few times when I got it for N64, then I think I played the "Master Quest" version a couple of times when I got it with Wind Waker for GameCube and I have it on 3DS too.
Fahrenheit indigo prophecy !
Age Of Empires etc ...
I always play Dota 2 ! Want to Party ? Add me on Steam : 888orochimaru888
GTA Online. Found a solid crew to run with and it kept the game fun for the past three years. The bikers DLC getting it so, so right didn't hurt either.
If I can only name one, it's Sonic 3 and Knuckles. But it wins mainly because it's so short. I go through some great JRPGs like Suikoden 1/2, FF7 and Disgaea several times as well, but since they take so long to complete it's more a basis of "every few years". Went through them a lot of times when they were new, now they are just returning from time to time.
Age of Wonders III. I now have 1,080 hours on it. It's like my crack cocaine.
Also, Skyrim. 1,015 hours. Lost count of the number times I've reinstalled it.
These are the first few to come to mind.
I rarely replay games, my ADD can't stand repetition most of the time. However, I have played Mario 1-3, World, Island, and 64 many times.
Also, I believe I have played the Mass Effect Trilogy at least 3 times. Those games are so amazing.
I have a guilty pleasure of grinding Madden every year or so as well. The player progression is what gets me I think!
Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 4 - The Reset Outpost Mode when I just want to drop in and visit
Metro Last Light - The underground levels where I can shoot out the lights and be in total darkness (literally). The missions against the Reich and Red Line plus Venice and Undercity come to mind. I'm thinking of buying Metro 2033 Redux to see more levels in darkness.
FSX and IL-2 Cliffs of Dover, either for free flight or single missions.
That's some confusing shootouts in the dark. The bad NPC guys get confused too. Love it.
@thelastofusfanboy89: I agree The last of us is an incredibly game full of surprises and well thought out plot, Ellis is probably the greatest video game character as the character development with her and the main protagonist ( Joel ) is like that of a movie. I have also played countless amounts of times I think I am at about 15 run through now and it still never gets old!
Thought I wrote in here already. Any way. AC black flag I'm on my 3rd play threw. 1st time wanting 100%. I'm 90% done and on last mission. I got 100% apart from 21 of 22 buried treasure. All locations discovered but cant find the last map. gree lol. Not touching last mission until I get this map.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Call of Duty: World at War
Call of Duty: Black Ops (multiplayer and zombies)
Warcraft III, not just because of the skirmish games and multiplayer, but the campaign has such a mature, story that it really "rewatchable".
Lately, I played MGS5. Still hunting for the best challenges in FOB.
But for the Legendary games that I played countless times: Tetris and Gradius
Nuff said
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