Heroes of Might and Magic 2-4
IV isn't near as good as II and III but is worth a good play or two,
Heroes of Might and Magic is my favorite RTS series of all time. The games don't seem like true RTS' on the outside, being turn based and all, but they have so much strategy and choice involved.
Tons of great maps to explore with different scenarios and usually with the option to choose your own class based on the scenario. From there every move will dictate the rest of the game. You have to be aggressive and explore but also defend what is yours. Hot seat was also a nice touch where you pass the mouse in a battle against your friends or perhaps an alliance. LAN parties were a lot of fun too. At this point the games have grown stale for me but only because I've put over 500 hours playing every class, scenario, campaign and randomly generated map over and over. I prided myself on knowing evert artifact, skill, creature, class and hero's name and all but as I got older I wasn't so much proud of that anymore.
LoTR BFME 2: A really fun RTS that blew the console versions out of the water IMO which it was suppose to of course.
I'm a big fan of Lord of the Rings, book and all so any game with it's lore gets my attention . Game is pretty basic but fun as hell.
Pick a class from a class such as goblins, elves, isengard, humans, dwarves, and mordor. Everyone starts the same for each skirmish and then it's let the races begin. Arrange alliances before game, maybe have a FFA or just be brave and badass and have everyone against you. The choice is yours!
You can turtle build a fortress with walls, towers, moats and etc.... or work on an army and expand. The more you kill and explroe the richer you become but always having the danger of overextending as well. Just a fun game all around with all the possibilities and such.
League of Legends is addictive and fun but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone.
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