Hey all, im a long time lurker but haven't posted much on these forums, basically I have been thinking about this on the run up to the new year. This year has been a great one for gaming, one of the best since the golden oot/halflife 1one of '98 :D. So on to my choices for this year.
Game that met:Mass Effect, OK so it does have some graphical and slowdown glitches but overall its a great game, it truly feels like yourwatching a Hollywood move at some points, sure the combat could have been a little more in depth but for the type and length of the game it suits perfectly. I am a huge fan of sw: kotor and jade empire and this game is just as good. Well developed characters and a in depth rpg elements make it my goty.
Game that didn't meet: Halo 3, ok so thehype for thisgame was incredible, people expected agod like fpsgame and ended up getting a merely very good one. So the reason it didn't meet my expectations is the simple fact no matter how good it was it couldn't. I feel it is the same for a lot of gamers for a lot of games. Take oblivion for example, up to its release people we heralding it as the second coming and when it was released people were inevitably disappointed. Halo 3 is however one of my favourite games of the year, especially online.
Game that exceeded: The Orange Box, for one reason, portal. This game was imho the best of the year :D. It is original and very fun, we NEED to see a longer stand alone sequel for this valve!! Of course episode 2 was great and I haven't as of yet got into tf2, waiting on my new pc :(, grr hurry up dell!!. But I have heard good things.
Ok so these are my choices, Id like to hear from some of you guys and gals regarding your own choices, please give reasons if possible :P.
Bonus question: What game do you wish you could wake up to on Christmas that doesn't exist yetor is still in development, for me GIEF MOARSHENMUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! :D. I need closure and to kick Lan Di's ass.
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