So it turns out those RAM rumors were true after all, eh? Not to be a cocky son a bitch, but I told you so.
I find it funny that this was actually a spin article where Naughty Dog boasted about the hidden power of the PS4, and then gaf found little things like this that Sony has refused to confirm for over a year now.
So to put this into perspective... 40% of the RAM is locked off and used by the OS for features like Sharing, apps like Netflix. On top of that, a quarter of the CPU is locked away for the OS as well. Now this is already an extraordinarily weak laptop CPU.
I am not sure if it explains the Watch Dogs downgrade, or BF4 only running at 900p, and Thief's issues, but locking away that much resources for non-gaming features for a console 'Built for the Gamers - By the Gamers' is kinda lame. I really want to know why the Vita needs only 256MB to run all these apps except for the Share feature.
I also like how Naughty Dog mentions that the PS4 GPU can do 1080p with 60 fps. Well, yeah every GCN GPU can do this but you have to turn the settings down to Low to achieve that.
More in the gaf thread here:
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