1. What is the biggest change/revolution in videogames in the last 20 years.
Thats a tough one. Switching from 2dto 3d was amazing. We have always had multiplayer games but MMO games....that is pretty huge.... I think I would still have to go with 3D. Just being able to play a game with TONS of other people doesnt really do anything or change the gameplay. Playing a 2d game and playing a 3d game is a very drastic difference.
2. How do you feel about the current merging of other media with videogames(in game ads, social networking, etc.)
a. Negative, other media is bad for the industry
Media = bad but somtimes necessary if they need the financial help. Social Networking is never bad and in fact can keep a gaming community coming back to that specific game. If you have a bunch of great friends in a MMORPG then you have a really hard time leaving them.
b. Indifferent as long as the other media doesn't detract from the game experience
This too. What should we care as long as it doesnt interrupt our game. I am just replaying Xenosaga 1(ps2) and forgot all about these in game "emails" we got that are advertisments for namco's real world upcoming games lol.
c. Good, oppertunity for companies to expand outside the gaming audience and increase market and income.
Developers/Publishers need money to make new games and sequels I will grant them that but lets be honest. How much of this extra money is going to be put towards other games or just go directly into their pockets and screw the consumer?? Are they using it to reduce the cost of the game?? We all know the answer.
3. Do you feel some technology used in videogames has applications outside the entertainment sector(yes or no).
Hell's Yeah. 3d modeling, Robotics, media interface(news,music,tv,emails) electronics, information storage, training.
4. Do you feel videogame technology developments in the past have helped other industries. (yes or no)
Ooops didnt see this one. Yes. Want a recent one? Heard of Blu-ray or HD dvd ?? Video games are used to train astronauts, aircraft pilots, and soldiers.
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