I used to love this game back in the day... my neighbor owned it on the NES, we would trade (i would give him Blaster Master and he would give me Archon + Zelda) for a week and I would pwn my bros. I am not sure how to embed YouTube videos, but here is a link to the game in action on the NES. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2FGStARSys&feature=player_embedded
I love Archon. A true classic. If you like it you should try The Unholy War for the PS1. It's from the creators of Archon. There are also rumors of an Archon remake by React! Games
...There are also rumors of an Archon remake by React! Games
Awesome warjilis, you were right. http://www.archonclassic.com/devblog/ and it looks like they are pretty much keeping the game mechanics in place, just giving it a big facelift. I'm really looking forward to this.
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