I just got done with a particulary buggersome boss battle in Crackdown. When I reached the area where the boss was, there were plenty of guards shooting me up, so after I took them all out, I went to hide from the boss's firing so I could rest up. When I came out of my hiding spot.... there were the same guards again! I was also trying to look around the room to figure out how to get up to the area where the boss was, but being able to look around the room while you're getting pelted with all sorts of guages of bullets is rather harder to do. I finally won, but dammit if it wasn't annoying.
Crackdown isn't the only game that has reoccuring enemies, but don't you find it stupid that in some games where you know the enemies should run out never do? Aren't you tired of having to expend your energy constantly fighting off a never-ending army of foes when all you want to do is figure out how to defeat a boss, or look around the room to solve a puzzle or find a way out of a room? I'm all for fighting a ton of enemies... if I know they'll stop coming, but if it's to the point where I got to beat up and die so I can figure out what the hell's going on so then on my next life, I can hope I can kill the boss or escape in time, well, I'm not for that at all.
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