Never liked Nerver Winter Nights.
I was a big fan of Blackilse/Bioware PC RPG line, so I bought the game when it came out even though I didn't had a PC that could run it optimally back then. When I finally was able to run the game right I was very disappointed. The story was terrible, items and clothing looked awful and the game used the same generic portraits over and over for most of the NPCs, it would have been better not to use portraits at all.
I guess back then the gameplay was fine because the game used the new rule sets whereas Baldur's Gate II and the rest used the old more confined ones.
I remember Icewind Dale II came out also around that time, using the new rulesets too. That was a much better game, in my opinion.
Well I see your point. I do agree in terms of say Baldurs Gate 2 and Ice WindDale, they do have better Campaigns than the one that shipped with NWN. Infact it is confession time as I never beat the main campaign of NWN. And I have tried, I just cannot get into it, but the reason I hold the game in high regard is because the Campaign felt like an after thought to the well made online components that the game came with.It was the online community which surprisingly is still active to this day that made the game come alive. I enjoyed the fan made Modules like Penultima and others that had better stories and better made gameplay than the monotnous design that the orignal NWN had in it. The fan based expanded so much that you had everything from tons and tons of new portraits, to the community expansion pack, the DMFI, and than Biowares own expansions were far better than the original Campaign. Shadows of Undertide was ok, but it was the next two expansions Hordes of the Underdark and Kingmaker that the Bioware we know and love really shined. To me it was the online components and community that really made this game a gem! Thats just me but it is good to know that IceWind Dale is not forgotten. Those two games are often overshadowed by BG which I adore, but the two Icewind Dale games were just awesome!
Well I did played the game online of course, hell I only played the game online actually, but mainly the main campaign.I also have Shadows of Undrentine too, but for some reason I never even opened it.
There were already fan modules around when I played the game, although I guess not as much as there were later on. I played a few, but I don't remember which ones.
I also remember Bioware used some kobolds to mock the fans that wanted to have robes in the game. But seriously, wizards looked like clowns in the game, what did they expect? Armor/Clothing design has always been their weakness. It's the same thing still in Dragon Age, they look (mage robes) completly awful, and light armor all are just palette swaps of the same models.
Still, I have to admit the game did a terrific job at handling the D&D cla$$es. Even nowadays games do not compare. Dragon Age for example, was extremelly mainstreamed, and the Cl$$es are fewer and nowhere near as fleshed out. It's still a great game though, but Bioware obviously tried to make it as appealing to the masses as possible, unlike their old works.
I donot if its a mainstream game per se. Thats just me, you are right they did an excellent job of intergrating the clasees in the game. If you ever do happen to give it a second chance, I will direct you to some of the best of the fan made modules!
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