Am I the only one who thinks this facial technology looks bad? It reminds me of those heads that have faces projected onto them in haunted houses. They look totally flat, like the face is just stamped on.
That crash looks bloody fantastic. I hope the cars actually handle as well as in GTA IV. Even if the game's not about driving cars it would really bring some solid extra depth to the game.
I think this might be the first game this year that i will actually spend full $ 65 dollars on... Looks utterly great, hopefully the mistery withing is equally good...
will there be alot of shooting mechanics in the game.
There will be shooting mechanics. Dont know whether you meant a lot of shooting or a lot of shooting mechanics, but yeah, there will be plenty of shooting, done via "shooting mechanics".
I was really looking forward to this one from the first time i heard about it (it being released by Rockstar and the general information available at the time), but with each trailer it's making the wait seem longer, and the game seem more and more like a must-have addition to my collection.
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