Uhhh... what?
I used to play the original Rainbow Six games which are so old now. I remember them, faffy squad commands, trying to get them to open a door at the same time and setting up a row of commands. I also remember how the enemy could shoot you with a pistol from the other end of a cargo ship if you so much as poked an ear out in line of their eagle eye vision. Despite that it was something new back then, I quite liked it and played them through.
I know full well the games going to be nothing like that, I not followed the series since but I've heard of what it's devolved into other the years. Goodbye squad tactics, hello regeneratinghealth solo supersoldier. I can't find myself being enthusiastic about yet another American military shooter when we are already up to our scalps in them right now, despite it's claims at being innovative because it's trying to get us all emotional by showing us briges with people on them and going "look at what's at stake!" Morality system an innovation? Huh? What? New to first person shooters they say, well holy crap that's reflective, considering how something that's gotten old in just about every other genre is news to them, shows how slow these guys are to stray off that beaten path. How can something that casts aside so much, and does nothing but follow last years fashion claim innovation? I suppose we will wait and see.
If your anticipating Modern Warfare 3 then this is all probably giving you an errection. Or is it Modern Warfare 4? I lost track already.
You apparently don't know what "military" means. But anyway, I like MW1 and 2. But I also like tacticle games too. I like to sit back relax and play a few MW missions but when I want to get challenge I play the older games that actually take time and skill where the game feels like it is actually working against you instead of the game being on your side.
But, you have obviously played the game, right? I hope it isn't like CoD, and more like Rainbow Six of old. I would even take the Vegas games over what you are describing, but I feel as long as they don't make it like CoD, it's good, but you are assuming way too much over what you "heard" from a few people.
I agree with Evil_Saluki. R6 has become just another military shooter (and yes, I know what the military is after being around it my entire life and the reason why I ejoyed the unadulterated versions of R6/RS/GR and didn't buy the follow on games that were Ubified). The games have deveolved and no longer resemble their original and innovative selves. They now try to capitalize on features found in other games (morality in a Ubi game first reared it's head with SC: DA) instead of advancing what the franchise originally was.
Games should advance and get features that enhance the features that are already in said game instead of tossing out the old features and brining in all new features that are found in a plethora of other games already. Shooting of limbs? It was already there, one didn't have to have head shots only, and they necessarily were not kill shots (rather they were incapacitated which needed real time and not just game time to heal from, talk about innovative). R6 was very innovative when first release, yet those features were tossed out even though the game wasn't broken and now, yes, it is just another military game.
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