Is there anybody out there that has quit online gaming because of the whining and immaturity of the kids out there? To me it gets really annoying see two kids bicker at one another and tell sex jokes over..and over..and over again. Not to mention the constant screaming and saying words like "pwnt" all of the time. I just prefer to play games single player mostly or with a friend that I've known for a while. Maybe im getting too old for games online these days, I actually have more fun playing single player. What about anyone else out there, do you still play games online?
I do, and I'm 13, and I don't spam the mic or do any of those things, and I know a lot of kids that don't.
Damn, stereotyping, it fails.
"Hey, I know this guy that's in a rock band, he sucks, therefore, logically, ALL PEOPLE IN BANDS COMPLETELY SUCK, Am I RIGHT? IT'S ONLY LOGICAL"
This, I'm 13 and I know a lot of other people around my age that aren't morons too. Problem is, almost anytime I try to open my mouth to say something I get cussed out but a bunch of people. So, that basically means I only stick with parties of friends. Yay for sterotyping.Wow, the people I play with on Counter strike source are pretty nice to me. They actually talk and have conversations with me to. I've gotten into clans too, and they knew I was 13.
How deep is your voice though? If your voice is squeaky, then, yeah, people will cuss at you. I'm lucky to have a deeper voice, this one guy even mistaked me for a 15 year old before.
Stereotyping, for the lose. Oh, and, I don't know about you guys, but I actually see more young kids use proper grammar and spelling on some online games than older people. Some adults chat on the mic, den thay spel liek diz, while the kids can actually differentiate between your and you're, while the adults are spamming text with , what teh **** man **** u why did you kill me from behing you noob
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