*braces himself for a lot of hate mail*
It seems to me that as of this point, PS3 is steadily losing it's competitive edge. As of E3 08, PS3 only has (off the top of my head) one major exclusive title, and that's Metal Gear. I say major, because Metal Gear is their most proven title. Resistance may turn out to be a good series, we will see. As for Killzone...the first one got, at best, average reviews. While the sequel looks good, we all have seen many games that look great and end up worthless.
From late 2007 up until this point in 2008, PS3 has lost the following exclusive titles:
Final Fantasy
Devil May Cry
Grand Theft Auto
Resident Evil
There may be more, but you get my point. I am in no way bashing the PS3, but now that Microsoft will be selling Blu Ray players (not sure when this starts?), it is hard to justify paying that price. The one thing PS3 has is the fact that buying a PS3 is actually cheaper than buying a Blu Ray player, so that's pretty cool there. PS3 also has the benefit of Asian markets being bigots towards Microsoft, so 360 will never sell well there.
As for the Wii, it's biggest downfall is that because of it's unique gameplay, it is much harder to port games to the Wii. Put yourself into the place of a game developer. While there are some complicated measures in porting from PC to console, going from console to console is fairly easy. However, imagine if you had to redo an entire games gameplay to accomodate the controls? Not to mention the power of the Wii is on par with old gen consoles, so you would have to dumb down your graphics to run the game on the Wii. Of course, graphics aren't everything and the Wii offers unique gameplay, but it's uniqueness is also it's biggest issue.
So it must be obvious now that I believe the Xbox 360 will end up being the top selling next gen console. Note I don't say best, that is an opinion. I simply believe it will outsell the others in the long run. This continues the trend that the system released first typically will sell the most. Add on the fact that a vast majority of Sony's exclusive titles are no longer exclusive, and maybe you will see where my thought process is going.
Now is where irrational Sony fanboys call me an idiot. Again, keep in mind I am not saying any console is better, I'm just stating my opinion on fiscal outcomes.
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