In my opinion the N64 was the vice of my early childhood... i loved it so much then and today its great fun and even the graphics are very bad by todays standard's the games where exelent fun wich exeeded in multiplayer.. i still own my n64 and i was thinking,it wouldbe Great if they made a new version with new And all the old games on it.
In my opinion to play games like banjo-kazooie/tooie and pokemon stadium(lol) it was very fun- would be great, nintendo realy made quality games with rare and all the other producers even the gamecube was very good but like anyone i was eagerly awating the wii ... it was fun at the start but it just wasnt any where near as good as the otehr consoles... the games just got boring and uninventive (not all)
Any1 else think that would be a good idea???
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