[QUOTE="Rattlesnake_8"]Nintendo is behind, they are playing catch up. Their new system isn't going to be superior to the PS3 or 360.. not if their launch title will end up being GTAIV and other games that have been out for the other systems for years. locknload17
How on earth is Nintendo behind when their home console has managed to outsell both of it's competitors by a significant margin....on the weakest hardware where every unit sold was profitable from day one. In fact, from a sales and business standpoint, it's pretty safe to say that Nintendo "won" this gen.
If anything Nintendo's approach is absolutely the smartest one from a business standpoint. They've literally forced Microsoft's and Sony's hand while Nintendo has the luxery of sitting pretty regardless.
Sony and MS have two options....rush new systems out, at which that hope of producing a system that's both a significant leap over their old one as well as being profitable from day 1 goes completely out the window, and which it can all be futile if this new Nintendo system still possibly outsells them (after all, the Wii managed to outsell the 360 and PS3)....or....wait it out and continue with the plan of producing a system thats a significant leap ahead of 360 and PS3 and delivering it at a time when it's cost effective that they start seeing profit from day 1, but where the catch is Nintendo has already had a two year or more advantage to market, and again...where the possibility that Nintendo still outsells them is quite a possibility.
5 years ago while Sony and MS were fighting to put out powerful tech at the time....where each unit was sold at a loss to the company and where it could be said the rush to get a powerful system out resulted in numerous hardware failures like we saw in the 360....Nintendo instead decided to release a system that didn't rely on raw power, and guess what, it worked. Not only has the Wii sold a boatload, far more then 360 or PS3, but MS and Sony have now spent on ton on R&D playing copycat on motion controls, which they had mocked 5 years ago.
Now Nintendo is releasing a new system, and frankly, their timing is perfect. From all indications on leaked specs and rumors which are looking more and more to be true, the new system will be more powerful then 360 and PS3...not a huge leap...but definitely a noticable step ahead...but most importantly, it's a step ahead when it's now very affordable to do so.
With the success of the Wii, again, which was the weakest hardware when it launched that still managed to trounce 360 and PS3 in unit sales, Nintendo can easily afford to release a new console that is a step ahead of the 360 and PS3...and they can now do it at a time when the hardware is cost effective, so there is a chance then can make a profit on the unit right from the start....while at the same time, all talk points that they've got enough of a lead on their competition that they look to have a huge advantage.
Nintendo can afford to launch a new console within the next 18 months.....Sony and MS don't exactly have that luxery. I believe Sony is just now beginning to make a profit on PS3....MS spent a ton making up for failures and on Kinect. MS has supposedly just started hiring people to start on the architecture for a new console, actual development planning supposedly hasn't even really started yet, so I doubt you'll see a new console before 2014, not if they want to make one that's cost effective and profitable from the start while also providing the leap in power they want. Also keep in mind how much they have currently invested in Kinect in this generation.
Keep in mind that actual development for the 360 began in February 2003....we didn't see the system until LATE 2005....almost over 2 and a half years later, actually closer to 3 years later....and that was when MS was literally racing to get the head start on Sony, regardless of cost. This time MS wants to make a unit that's profitable from day one, and I'm sure that the success of the Wii, despite being less powerful and launching a year later, has influenced their outlook.
I mean...Nintendo managed to outsell the 360 and PS3 with the significantly underpowered Wii, which pretty much launched after their competitors....you think they can't do the same, except this time with hardware that's actually more powerful, and possibly has up to a 2 year head start (or more) with nothing really in sight to compete with it?
Last, Nintendo's past systems have sold primarily because of their first party software as a selling point or some approach that caught the general publics attention.....that won't change with this new possible system. Except this time, with the possibility of the new system said to be more powerful by a noticable amount, it'll also be a stronger attaction of third party developers.
I agree with you that no matter what happens from this point forward, Nintendo has won this generation, but I don't quite share your belief that Nintendo is in a position to repeat the process.
Casuals are the new majority, but despite my scepticism, the Kinect (10 million sales in 6 months) has sold phenomenally well and the Move's 8 million sales in 8 months are nothing to sneeze at. Wii software sales are still okay, but hardware sales have slowed drastically because the majority of incoming casuals are picking up the Kinect (which gets the same mainstream media coverage the Wii once did).
I'm not saying Nintendo can't grab them back, but to borrow Nintendo's terminology back when they released the Wii, the casual market in 2010 went from blue ocean to red.
Since it hac the blue ocean (casuals)all to itself in the console space, Nintendo saw no reason to really focus on the red ocean (core games).The fact is the level and nature of support that Nintendo and 3rd parties offered the Wii is remarkably similar to the level and nature of the support offered to the GC, despite the fact that the GC sold only 21.5 million units lifetime and the Wii has easily sold five times that. The core audience for both systems is the same (gamers who tend to be focused on Mario/Zelda/Metroid to the exclusion of all else, though they do make time for Sonic).
My question is 'Is Nintendo willing to widen its releases the same way first parties who sincerely wish to open new markets try to do?' or are they just going to do what they did this gen and most of the GC era, mouth words but not back them up with actions (cranking out Mario/Zelda/Metroid), hoping that a third party can be tricked into doing the hard work of expanding a market for it (last gen Capcom at the insistence of Mikami played that role until shareholders revolted, this gen Sega played that role until they came to their senses).
Rolling out new hardware is well and good, but as others have noted here and elsewhere, unlike in past generations, 2007's Crysis aside, PC gaming hasn't provided much of a glimpse into the future of consoles. Sure, new hugely powerful processors are shipped every several months, but nobody's doing anything with them because the market for cutting edge games on PC is so small. Its quite possible that the Wii2 might see the type of support the PC tends to see(games with the same physics, AI, level geometry, etc as distinctly inferior hardware but boasting shinier textures and better lighting effects). The most likely maker of original, exciting core games for such a system is indies, but Nintendo has made a habit out of verbally pissing on them so its pretty clear they don't want the support.
Also, online play is massively popular this gen (shows up in shooters, sports games, strategy games, platformers, fighting games and even the rpgs like Demon's Souls) and with the 3DS Nintendo showed that it is still indifferent to online and commitment to friend codes, so in one important way, the Wii 2 will be crippled vi a vi even against its 'last gen' competition.
In summary, yes, you're right, things went great for Nintendo this gen, but in 2010 MS and Sony have demonstrated the ability to attract casuals (the people who separated the Wii from the GC) and Nintendo still hasn't demonstrated an ability (or even a willingness) to attract core games indifferent to Mario/Zelda/Metroid.
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