November and December are the "dump months" for video games much like January and February to movies. We have plenty of craps released in this month alone such as Quiet Man, Overkill's The Walking Dead and Fallout 76. Darksiders 3 turned out to be a massive disappointment in comparison to previous two games. Sadly this is the first entry of the franchise to have a playable female character as well as the first in XBOX One/PS4 era that isn't a remaster.
Just Cause 4 will be last high-profiled game that still yet to released in this year and I expect it to be an average game that destined to be forgotten few weeks after it were released just like the third game in December 2015. The fourth game didn't look too different despite having long development time(almost three years) and talented developers and they probably too busy with Rage 2 instead.
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is an indie project with very limited public appearances. While this have been a good thing as the developers hide many important elements of the game from general public but this can also be a bad sign: They also hide it from critics as well.
People can argue whether Final Fantasy XV fall into this or as it was released in late November 2016 but Square-Enix already under immense pressure to release the game as soon as they can and they results are incomplete buggy mess and many chapters are not in the game at all. As of November 2018, SE announced that they already stopped making single-player content for the game and its director left SE for good. They probably allocated their resource and manpower to its multiplayer part as well as Kingdom Hearts III and FFVIII: Remake.
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