Today the last of the big October titles came out. So I figured we should get a little contest going (gaf styIe!). you'd be guessing just the software sales for the month. Think of any October game that comes to your mind and guess what it will sell for the month of October. The NPD data usually is released in the third week every month, so we'll compare everyone's numbers and the person with the closest predictions will get a cookie and a night full of passion and lust with MGS4 hater, our own GME.
My Predictions (Not for every game that came out this month, only the popular ones)
Fable II (360) - 1.1 million units
Socom(PS3) - 300K (only the headset version)
Far Cry 2 (360, PS3, PC) - 1.2 million units
Bioshock (PS3) - 200K
LBP (PS3) - 400K
Motorstorm(PS3) - 300K
Rock Band (PS3, 360) - 1.3 million units
Guitar hero WW - 1.8 million units
Dead Space (PS3, 360, PC) - 700K
Fallout 3 (360, PC) - 800K
Wii Music - A billion gazillion units
Midnight Club (PS3, 360) - 1 million units
Saints Row 2 - Enigmac's guess - 1 milion units (:P 800K)
I have 13 predictions, so the difference b/w each of my predictions and the actual numbers will then be added together, and the person with the lowest total will win that night of passion I mentioned earlier. I'll do all the math for everyone's predictions so dont worry about that.
There's only one rule: You can't have less than 8 predictions.
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