AI Multiplayer Bots
Where are they? AI multiplayer bots were the perfect way to play a multiplayer death match by yourself. There was a time when it was standard for a game to give the player the option to play against bots in all the available multiplayer modes. Now it is very rare for this option be available. What happened to it? I was playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on my PS3 recently and started to play multiplayer. I only played for fifteen minutes because it gets very boring killing a stationary imaginary player over and over again just so I could get my UMP45's thermal scope.
I know that some may say that that's what local multiplayer is for but it is very time consuming to organize some friends to come over or sometimes your siblings and/or parents don't feel like playing a video game right then. Then there's internet gaming. Personally I think that these major game companies haven't taken into account that some people with their consoles don't have an internet connection in their home. And if they do have one it probably isn't the highest speed internet therefore causing internet gaming to lag which isn't much fun. So why go through this when instead of going online and getting fifteen random people to slaughter each other you could make fifteen bots. No setting up internet connections, no lag and no extra money spent.
Games with this option have generally been some of the most successful games ever. Timesplitters and Killzone 1 and 2 are just to name a few. I don't know whether these major game companies are just wanting more profit out of internet gaming or whether they just can't be bothered anymore.
In conclusion I suggest that more gamers should have the option to be able to play a multiplayer match by themselves without the troubles of setting up an internet connection. Because there nothing like being able to set up a four team sixteen player CTF in less than two minutes.
Jayden Atkins
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