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All the below are RPGs so enjoy.
For SNES get :
Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana
and for PS1 (in no particular order) :
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy IX
Chrono Cross
Suikoden 1 and 2 (bit expensive)
and for PS2 :
Final Fantasy X
Dragon Quest 8
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts II
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne
Now for games from other genres :
N64 :
Legend Of Zelda Ocarina of Time
Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask
PS2 :
Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons Of Liberty/Substance
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater/Subsistence
Jak and Daxter : The Precursor Legacy
Jak 2
Jak 3
Ratchet and Clank
Ratchet and Clank 2 Going Commando
Ratchet and Clank 3 Up Your Arsenal
Ratchet Deadlocked
Resident Evil 4
God Of War
God Of War 2
ps1:res1,2,3..chrono cross,vagrant story,ffVII,mgs1,alundra,breath of fire IV,legend of legia
ps2:pop1,2,3..tekken tag,ico,killzone,mgs2,3..jack and daxter:precursor legacy.gow1,2,kingdom hearts,persona 3
n64:zelda:OOT,mario party 3
nes:mgs,megaman 6
Nice list, Alundra looks like a fun game but, does it have a story? I love the Ratchet games, I have both for the PS3 and I played Grandia 2 on the Dreamcast while in the military. ktseymour
Alundra is a decent game but be sure to keep a walkthrough ready. Some of the puzzles are really difficult. Story is fine. Atleast to me lol.If you still have a Dreamcast I'd recommend you look for Shenmue 1 and 2 and Skies Of Arcadia (RPG). Some of the best on the DC.
Oh and I tried checking your profile as to whether you own some games like Metal Gear Solid, but its put on private. So in case you don't have games like Metal Gear Solid (PS1) , Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 (PS2), you should really get them ASAP.
If you still own a Gameboy Advance, I'd highly recommend Advance Wars 1 and 2, and Golden Sun 1 & 2 (RPGs) and also some of the Pokemon games (series may be childish but the Pokemon games are solid RPGs.)
Also, Military? That's awesome! :)
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division is a good PC game that was really overlooked:
Hundred Swords is a good Japanese RTS developed by Smilebit (developers of Jet Set Radio and Panzer Dragoon series) that was ported from the Dreamcast and was only localized for PC:
for snes
top gear- this is one of the best racing games especally for its time, on the snes
top gear 3000 a much futuristic top gear,
top gear 2 , ,an improved top gear
super mario rpg
super mario world
super mario kart
super mario all stars
ff series
need for speed series
crash and spyro series
chrono trigger
timesplitters 1-3
ff series
kh 1 and 2
perfect dark
duke nukem 64
doom 64
hexen 64
super mario 64
paper mario
zelda oot
zelda mm
top gear rally 1 and 2 you may find these different because their rally games unlike the previous 3 on snes ,
RPGs huh? I'll just list psx games. These are in order with the first being my favorite from this system. I absolutely love all of these games though.
Final Fantasy Tactics, Xenogears, FFVII, FFIX, Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story, Valkyrie Profile, FFVIII, Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete, Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete, Suikoden II, Grandia, Wild Arms, Suikoden
Ok so I decided to add my favorites from the PS2 also. First again is my #1 and so on.
FFX, Persona 4, Persona 3, Shadow Hearts Covenant, Disgaea, Shadow Hearts, Xenosaga (you gotta play the whole series so I'll group them together), Dark Cloud 2, Suikoden III, Suikoden V, Rogue Galaxy, Dark Cloud
Also, I've never played Odin Sphere or Atelier Iris but I've heard from many people they are good.
NES: Final Fantasy, Chrono Triger, Super Mario Bros, Karnov
SNES: Final Fantasy sagas, Super Mario sagas, TLoZ - A Link to the Past, Killer Instic
N64: Killer Instic, Mario Bros sagas, TLoZ - Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask
Chrono Trigger for SNES. You NEED to play it!Chiddaling
I actually picked-up this great little gem for the PS2, and it came with Final Fantasy 4..I believe. I love those compilation games, they save you so much money. If only Sega would make a RPG compilation, or better yet, make a decent non mmo P.S. game.
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