there are hard games on n64 and ps1 /2 xbox gc just gotta know where to look
i know rugrats is possibly the hardest to play any of the followin because they rely on passwords to save progress
1-rugrats i gotta go party
2 goldeneye 007- thats a hard one , the last level god knows youll need a guide for the very very last level on just about any difficulty -geting to that level is hard as well not including unlockin all the cheats -w.o usin gamesharks or button codes dont start sayin oh i can do that easily by usn agameshark no sorry using a gameshark automatically disqualifies you
3 perfect dark -this game even today -heck im not sure why i didnt put this as number 2 since i hadnt beat either the 360 or n64 versions cheat wise and 100 percent
4 -super mario bros nes versions/vc versions lack of save function kills it for me
5 gta any 2d 1 without a map i seriously get lost in the ps1 versions
6 top gear 2 -i dont know for some reason the ai cars go alot faster then you do even oneasy and 3000 /1 were easy
7 -stuntrace fx , i mean come on the last section is impossible to beat that clock , i get one lap in and bam half way into lap 2 time expires
8 -saints row 2-even -the dl maps i cant stand them -the one makes me protect trucks and do this with all the guys shootin me ugh i gave up on that mission
9 -bully se/ps2 , these 2 classes will make you want to throw your controller -biology 5 and music 3-5 all geograph past 2 you need aguide
10 -driver all of them , ,ive only beatin 1 and 2 ,,
but 3 and 4 are hard as heck
11 -pretty mcuh all nes ;/snes games /gen games are past 11
me personally the games that made me yell at the tv
rugrats all of them except scavenger hunt and search for reptar allthough that incident in isl 7 really made me angry
goldeneye last level control and aztec 3 hard levels then the speed runs except runway and bunker 1/2
perfectdark pretty much all perfect agent levels
and duke nukem without coop -ii really cant stand doin it over and over again
nail biters these games are
i litterally broke a stick just palying marioparty 1/2 those minigame coaster things
i can get so frustrated with these games its not even funny ,
they like rig these games where you have a hard time actuallybeatin the ai -especally in marioparty 1/2 hard difficulty coasters -where the meca maratthon and tug o war-in marioparty 1-/2
these really broke my stick and gave me a blister as if screamin my voice out wasnt enough
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